Green is pretty, pretty is green, green is Nari

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August bled into September at an alarming rate, and as September quickly became October, Sophie Foster became happier.

To the confusion of her parents, nothing seemed to have triggered this change. But they were happy for her, happy that the daughter they didn't know what to do with had managed to deal with herself. Sophie knew her opinions of them were harsh, but that didn't change the fact that they were true. 

Of course, Skrael was the one who said that in the first place.

The blue skinned magician had a habit of randomly popping out of nowhere and spending the day with her. He'd done it so many times that Sophie stopped reacting to it all together. Some days they would just talk. Others, he would teach her how to further control her ability and build up mind walls. Every time he would remind her to be warry of her old neighbour, Mr. Forkle.

"He will come for you soon.", Skrael had once told her, "He's weaker than you. Remember that. Show him only what he wishes to be shown."

She stared up at him, confused, "How do I know what he wishes to be shown though?"

And Skrael smiled, it was a freezing smile, but Sophie adored it, "You are special, Sophie. You'll know what to do."

If Skrael says so, then it must be true, she thought, Skrael would never lie to me.

True to the magician's words, Mr Forkle did come. At night, when she was meant to be sound asleep. It took all of her not to wake up screaming as she detected the old man's presense outside her window. He had come. What for?

"You'll know what to do."

Not now though. Now Sophie was confused and shocked that her neighbour was creeping to her side as she felt the mind walls she was so proud of about to be poked at. 

"Show him only what he wishes to be shown."

Sophie willed her walls to crumble as she felt Mr. Forkle look into her memories of Canada. She replaced her's and Skreal's first meeting with a memory of hergetting lost in the bast forest- she beautifully painted her cries of fright at the prospect of never seeing her parents again. She showed him the relief as they found and embraced her in the cold. She showed him the games that he played with Amy last winter, adding more snow a few inches to their heights so he wouldn't suspect her.

She showed him what he wished to be shown.

The next mornig she awoke alone in her room, the elephant Ella by her side. She hugged her for comfort. Just how had her neighbour searched her mind? And exactly why? Was he like her...or was he something else?

She would need to ask Skrael.

As usual, after eating breakfast with her family and flashing them pretty smiles with sugar filled tops and a few words of how happy-she-was-to-be-back-home, she headed to the isoleted park she frequented to meet up with Skrael. 

Sophie felt the cold air brush past her cheeks as she she smiled at the change of seasons. It was getting closer and closer to autumn by the minute, and soon, it would be winter. 

Oh! How she loved winter!

Skrael can visit me more in winter, he says.

And it was true. As the weather got colder Sophie noticed her friend growing stronger. He had looked quite sickly when he first arrived at San Diego, but not anymore. Now he looked healthier, happier.

She sat on the grass and waited for his arrival. She smiled when she felt the slight change in the air behind her. She turned.

But it wasn't Skrael that was there.

In his place was a female creature of big neon golf eyes, with anters and green skin. She was hunched down, on all fours, and only a little taller than Sophie. Her attire reminded Sophie of Jane, from Tarsan. 

Any other child would have screamed at the sight of her. But Sophie was used to Skrael's appearance, a little green lady wasn't much worse.

"Who are you?", she asked, curious as to why the girl was here, instead of Skrael.

The green lady smiled, and for a moment Sophie could help but think how pretty she looked when she did that, like a flower in full blooming. She extended a hand towards Sophie, sparkly green dust danced in her palm. Sophie let out a little sqeak as the dush took the form of a green bug, and flied around her like afly would. But the bug made no sound, even as it went right past her frightened arm.

Her reaction must have been quite funny, for the pretty green lady laughed. The sound muffled to giggles as it was blocked by her small hands.

She has pretty hands.

Sophie tried to hide herself with her own body, "W-Who are you?"

"You must be Sophie.", she finally said, still giggling, "You're so cute, like brother said."


The green lady stood straight as she said, "How silly of me. I didn't introduce myself! Nice to meet you-

"-I'm Nari!"

plants have feelings, too, you know?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2021 ⏰

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