A Bird That's Not A Bird

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Sophie stood still, unmoving. Clinging the ball in her arms, as if it could do anything to save her in the current situation. She had gotten bored while waiting, and decided to start playing with her ball on her own. Now she was regretting her choice.

Every single breathe that came out of her mouth seemed to increase the cracks forming under her feet. So, with the capability of her small lungs, Sophie held her breath.

Only to gasp for air not even a minute later.

The cracks were growing, expanding, Sophie felt incredibly uneasy on her feet.

The ice cracked yet again, but this time was different. The noice rang in Sophie's eardrums, and echoed there for a long time. Letting out a squeak, Sophie shut her eyes, fists clenched.

She felt the burning cold sensesation of the freezing water grace her ankles, before she was suddenly picked up. Sophie didn't dare to open her eyes though, even whe she recognized the cold but warm embrace, until she was placed in the safe ground.

"What a troublesome little bird you are.", Skrael's voice was still too deep for his appearance. But, for once, Sophie didn't get caught up on it. No, this time her mind revolved around one part of his speech on specific.

"Little bird?", her thoughts spilled out of her mouth. Sophie felt herself blush as Skrael's gaze fell on her.

With a shuggre, the boy spoke, "What? Do you wish to be refered as 'child' forever?"

Sophie had noticed before, Skrael's manner of speech was always very formal, and he had a very funny accent as well.

Throught out the past week, the two of them often met together in the wild forest. It had taken a while for sophie's parents to even allow her to even step foot out of the cabin. But after Sophie managed to convinse them and returned home safe and on time, they seemed to let their worries slide rather easily. Sometimes she wondered if they truly did care for her...

That was not the point.

Sophie shook her head from side to side frantically as an answer to the Skrael's question, her blonde locks hitting her cheeks softly, which were bright red with embarrassment.

Skrael stared at her for a while before letting out a long sigh, going as far as to drop his shoulders.

"Damn you and your over powered cuteness.", Sophie didn't have time to process Skrael's words, because right after they came out of his mouth, his frostbiten fingers were already poking and stretching her cheeks.

Skrael's touch was like cold, smooth metal against Sophie's bare skin. Yet, she couldn't bring herself to flinch or recoil from it, she found the contact quite refreshing, actually.

"Birds are free, untamable, and they always get in trouble, just like you.", Sophie opened her mouth to object, but Skrael spoke again before she could, "Although, unlike a bird, you lack grace and ethereal beauty.", the last part was a lie, in Skrael's eyes, Sophie was actually quite a beauty, "Though you don't fly away at the scene of cold."

Sophie stared blankly when Skrael finished his explanation, "... So, I'm like a bird, but I'm not...?", she tilted her head, genually confused.

Skrael shuggred, and with his fingers flicked Sophie's forehead. Cracking a small, almost invisible smile, he turned around and walked away.

"W-wait!", Sophie ran after him as fast as she could, though the heavy snow boots did slow her down a little.

Why did she have to wear such heavy gear? It wasn't even full winter and it was already snowing! Sophie mentally cursed Canada's weather. Empasis in mentally, since were she to say such words aloud, not only would her parents wash her mouth with soap, but Skrael would most likely freeze it soon after.

Speaking for the boy...

From in front of her Skrael let out a hearty laugh, slowing down his pace so that Sophie could catch up to him. Holding back her hand once it embraced his. He saw from from the corner of his eyes, how Sophie held her scarf closer to her, evidently trying to stay warm. It was confusing, because although she clearly wasn't a fan of the cold, she still kept close to him

Him who was the first cold thing to ever exist in the universe.

"You are a troublesome little bird indeed.", with his frostbiten hand, Skrael pushed Sophie closer to him, ruffling her head a little in the process.

"love is a kind of insanity"

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