The Hot Weather of San Diego

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Never once had Sophie complained about the climate. This time was the first time she ever found the topic bothersome. This was the first time she whished she could change the wheather.

And it was all because of him.

Had her home always been so... foreign?

No. Sophie had to remind herself, it wasn't her home anymore. Skrael had called it a house, even went as far as to explain the difference to her.

Because a home that's no longer a home was a house. See the emptiness in the word? The lack of fondness? That was the difference.

House: a habitable building.
Home: a place with attachment

"Sophie? There's red stuff on your hand."

Amy was staring up at her with those very same green eyes that Sophie couldn't help but feel jealous over. It was a feature she didn't have. Another reason to the endless pile of why she didn't belong.

Staring down at her hand, the blonde took notice of the small spot of red that dripped from her palm. In the middle of her inner monologue, she must have gripped the crystal extra hard, hard enough for it to pierce her skin.



Sophie smiled, her eyes softened, "do you remember that stuff mom puts on her lips?"


"Yes. This—", Sophie moved her fist in front of her sister's face, "—is that. Okay?"

When did she get so good at lying?

Amy nodded, "okay!"

Why do I not feel guilty? Mom would feel disappointed. But Skrael—

Skrael would definitely praise me.

"Mom. I need to study. Can I go to my room?", she asked her mother, putting on a charming smile like Skrael liked to call it.

Her mother glanced down at her, her surface thoughts leaking for Sophie to hear; why won't you play like a normal child? Aren't you intelligent enough already?

On the outside though, the brunette woman answered with a soft; "okay."

Once, such thoughts would have hurt her. But not anymore.

Because Skrael said it's good to be intelligent.

He said she was special.

He said she was bright.

So why should she care more about what her mother thought, when Sophie already knew what she would always think about her.



Un normal.

Only Skrael mattered now.

Her room was as foreign to her the house. Even more than the room back in the Canadian cabin.

This place really no longer her home. Sophie briefly wondered if that was a problem. After all, she was going to be living there for as long as she depended on her parents.

The idea of being alone scared her. So she guessed it would be a little longer than necessary.

Sophie took the blue crystal Skrael had given her out of her pocket. The small amount of blood that had fallen on it was still embracing it. Like badly applied paint on a glass wall.

"What did he say to do again...?"

"Say my name and break it."

"His name...", Sophie cleared her throat, and said low but strong, "Skrael of the North Wind."

The crystal had already fallen to the ground. Shattering upon impact.

Blue mist surrounded her, the sun outside was suddenly not there. Everything was slowly starting to freeze over—

And Sophie smiled, because everything suddenly reminded her of him.

That was when a deep voice said;

"Did you miss me? My little birdy."

It depends on who has who locked in what cage.

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