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I have a lot of surprises for you guys! Get excited about it 😉. Y'all know what to do 👋

Y/n Pov.

Rosé: "Y/n! Come on!" She whined making me chuckle. 

I hummed and continued to hold my camera above my head and watch her jump for it, getting more irritated with me by the second. She stopped jumping and looked at me, jutting her bottom lip out. I sighed and rolled my eyes giving her my camera.

Rosé: "Thank you!" She grinned kissing my cheek and looking at the pictures I took a few minutes ago.

Today was our day, it was a sunny Saturday and I planned on taking her for a pleasant and relaxing day out. She hasn't been having the best week and I knew why but I thought taking her out and distracting her for a bit would help. 

Y/n: "Don't even thank about deleting the pictures I took of you because I'll take more." I said adjusting the small bag I had on my shoulders and gripped the basket I had in my hand a little tighter.

Rosé: "I hate them," I scoffed and looked at the girl who kept her gaze focused on my camera.

Y/n: "Rosie, you look beautiful, stop thinking otherwise." I saw the faint blush creep up on her face and chuckled wrapping my arm around her shoulder. "Are you excited for today?" She hung the camera around her neck using the strap and sighed.

Rosé: "Well, I'm happy to be out and about but I still don't know where we're going," She spoke intertwining our fingers. I smiled at the gesture and saw the park not too far away.

Y/n: "I'll give you a guess... it's just a few feet away," I hinted seeing her look around.

Rosé: "We're getting ice cream?" I furrowed my eyebrows and saw an ice cream stand coming up and shook my head.

Y/n: "No," I chuckled hearing her giggle softly and sigh, "Take another guess..." I urged seeing her eyes light up.

Rosé: "We're going to the park?!" I smiled and nodded my head.

Y/n: "We are! And it's going to be relaxing, peaceful and-"

Rosé: "I love it!" She cut me off and kissed my cheek softly. I smiled and watched her run around gaining attention from some people, they were mostly amused with her behavior. 

I laughed watching her run around and greet people and their dogs, taking her time and playing with them. I found a spot near a tree and opened my backpack, taking out some blankets and laying them out. I then set everything up and saw her run up to me with full speed, might I add.

Y/n: "Rosie, Rosie, slow down!" She laughed and jumped on me. "Ow," I groaned out when we both hit the ground.

Rosé: "Sorry, I'm just happy," I chuckled and looked up at the girl who no longer looked sad and bothered. 

Y/n: "I'll endure the pain if you're this happy," I joked hearing her giggle softly. She stayed in her place with both her legs straddling me and a smile on her face. She looked at everything I had laid out on the blankets and pouted.

Rosé: "You did all this?" I hummed.

Y/n: "You've been down this week and I wanted to cheer you up, you would the same thing for me so..." I shrugged making her smile. I sat up and moved my hair back when she threw her arms around me engulfing me in a hug.

Rosé: "Thank you for being there for me this week, it's just been...rough for me." I nodded and hugged her back.

Y/n: "I know and it's okay, everyone has those days." I assured her. She pulled away and sat down next to me, looking at all the food.

𝐓𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐉 {𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐦/𝐘𝐨𝐮}Where stories live. Discover now