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Enjoy and you know what to do with the comments! 😏😛

Y/n Pov.

Rosé: "Are you still shocked about what I asked you last night?" She laughed walking into the kitchen. I sat there with my coffee in my hands and cleared my throat.

Y/n: "I didn't sleep because I was so stunned," She sat down next to me and sighed.

Rosé: "I know it's probably going too far considering what we're doing is just fun and games but this can also be fun and games," I shook my head.

Y/n: "Rosie, sex is a big deal and I don't want things to change between us," I frowned thinking the worst.

Rosé: "I know but just hear me out," She pouted making me sigh.

Y/n: "Fine, talk," I muttered eating the muffin she gave me.

Rosé: "I've only ever slept with Lisa and I haven't been with anyone since her and with you, I'm myself and I can express myself freely to you. I've also never been with someone who has an, you know, basically, I haven't been someone who's packing," She said cringing towards the end.

Y/n: "My God," I laughed with her joining me.

Rosé: "I'm serious! Look, I need a release and I'm sure you do to and I trust you, unlike anyone else in this school. I know it's risky but I wouldn't suggest this if I felt like I liked you that way," She admitted.

Y/n: "This is still a lot to take in, sex changes things at times." I spoke.

Rosé: "It does, but do you love me?" I sighed.

Y/n: "I love you but not in that way," I said making her smile.

Rosé: "Exactly! I'm just asking you to think about it..." She mumbled leaning in to kiss my cheek.

Y/n: "I'll think about it," I said getting up and grabbing my things, walking to the door. She gathered her things and opened the door with a grin.

Rosé: "Thank you! Also, I'm getting tired of using other gadgets so if you could say yes, it would help a lot." She winked pecking my lips and walking away.

Did she just-oh sweet Jesus.

Y/n: "Roseanne!" I heard her giggle and continue to walk away from me. I shook my head and heard the door open opposite me, I saw Jennie walk out with her head down, reading something on her phone. I smiled and watched her close the door, still reading whatever it was that she was reading. "I wonder what has your attention," She jumped dropping her books.

Jennie: "Fuck! You can't scare me like that!" She hit my shoulder.

Y/n: "Sorry," I chuckled bending down and picking up her books. She sighed and helped me gather her books.

Jennie: "My mom texted me about some stupid family gathering I have to attend soon," I hummed.

Y/n: "Ah, family, I don't like them very much." I spoke meeting her eyes.

Jennie: "Tell me about it," She mumbled staring at me. I smiled and leaned in closer for a moment.

Y/n: "You seem happy today," She shrugged.

Jennie: "I woke up on the right side the of bed, I guess," I smirked making her grab the books from my hands and laugh. "Get your head out of the gutter," I chuckled.

Y/n: "How did you know what I was thinking?!" I asked making her walk away from me.

Jennie: "Cause I was thinking the same thing!" She giggled waving at me. I chuckled and watched her walk away, slowly moving my eyes down south.

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