A warm welcome

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"The stupid van has to be around here somewhere"

A girl was muttering to herself as she traversed through the forest. Her hair was arranged in a braid, with an old pink ribbon woven into it.

The netherite of the girl's boots clinked as she walked through the forest, nose scrunched up as she frowned at her communicator.

"And he can't even be bothered to answer me, great" she sighs, "I'm not the 'human gps', how do they expect me to find this place?"

As expected, the forest didn't answer. She continued stomping forward irritatedly, now focused on the coordinate GUI she had pulled up on her communicator. She suddenly bumped into something solid and flinched, taking a step back.

"ACK who put that tree there?"

The sound of an amused huff made the girl realize that what she had bumped into was NOT in fact, a tree.

Upon closer inspection, she had run into a man. He was wearing a plain green hoodie, with an axe strapped to his back. The most peculiar thing about him was his white smiley face mask.

The girl broke the silence, "In my defense, you are obnoxiously green."

The man tilted his head at her and walked around the shorter girl, inspecting her, scrutinizing her, "Hmmm, who are you and what are you doing here?"

She narrowed her eyes at him and turned with him as he walked, so she was always facing him, "I'm getting kind of dizzy dude, can you chill out with the intimidation/inspection routine for a second here."

The man's step faltered when the girl spoke, "Do you know who you're speaking to right now princess?"

"No, not really," The girl shrugged as she looked down to check her communicator, "and I'm gonna be real with you, I don't exactly care."

"My name is Dream, I am the owner of this SMP," The green-clad man bristled and took an aggressive step forward to grab the girl by the leather straps of her armor, lifting her up to him, "and I'm not sure if I like your attitude-"

"I'm not sure if I like your face." She cut him off with her nonchalant response, still tapping on the communicator on her forearm.

"Listen!" The taller man shouted, using his elbow to knock away her hand from the communicator and forcing her to look up at him, "Now I'm not going to ask this again, who are you and what are you doing in my land?"

"First of all, rude." She brought up her hands in an attempt to free herself from his grasp but to no avail, "Second of all, I'm looking for a hotdog van."

Dream filed away that information for later, but right now he needed to know, "And what's your name?"

The girl smirked lazily up at him as she released his wrists and brought up her hand to give the man a two-fingered salute.

"Name's (Y/n), and as lovely as it's been talking to you, I have somewhere to be."

Dream hadn't noticed the girl's other hand reach for her belt and pull out a potion before it was too late. A potion of weakness was splashed straight onto his chest and he felt its effects immediately. The strength draining from his body, Dream staggered backward after dropping (Y/n), who landed lightly on her feet.

He coughed as he struggled to keep himself upright, using a tree for support, "You're going to regret that one, princess."

(Y/n) brought a hand to her chin as she looked at him thoughtfully for a moment. Soon after a look of recognition flashed across her face. This caused Dream to smirk, now that she realized who she was dealing with he was waiting for her to beg for his forgiveness.

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