Ch| I

271 10 2

( A normal highschool and the killings never happened...AU)

Shuichi barely made it to class, all because something, or someone was hugging his leg all the way there. Shuichi almost didn't even notice him, heck he didn't know where he came from.

"Thanks for the free ride Shumai! Next time be early, I was almost late!" The purple haired teased, making his way to his desk.

Shuichi just sat down at his own desk, Kaede was already there waiting for him. Already starting a conversation Shuichi couldn't help but feel a pair of eyes were watching him.

"Shuichi, you okay? You look like you're on edge about something, did anything happened?"

Kaede gave Shuichi a worried look, it's not like something didn't happened but he didn't want to worry her so he played it off like nothing.

"So Shuichi, I need help with something. But it doesn't really have any detective doings."

"What could it possibly then? I'm sure I won't be much help, since well I am just a detective."

"No, I'm sure you will be helpful! Anyway it's about, um. Love--"

"Oh, then I am the worst person you could've asked. Why not Miu? She most likely had the most experience."

"First off, don't be so down about yourself! You're really good looking, you must of had experience too!--"

"Second, there's a reason why I can't ask Miu."

Shuichu couldn't help but blush at the compliment, no one really called him that and especially not from a female. But that got stopped when he heard that there was a reason Kaede couldn't ask Miu.

"And that is? Was she busy or something?"

"No, she's the reason why I need help. I, kinda have a crush on her but I think that she like Keebo."

If Shuichi had to be honest, he felt a small but sharp ping in his heart. Maybe it was because he had a sorta crush on her since the beginning. He brushed it off, it wasn't time to talk about his non existing love life.

"What makes you think that? Did Miu ever said that before or they just seem close to each other?"

"Well yeah, they always hang out each other. When ever they are together Miu always seems to smile and laugh. Like if they were in a relationship."

Shuichi hugged Kaede without a second thought, it was difficult to see his best friend feeling stressed. He knows that feeling as well.

"After class we'll talk about it again, we wouldn't want to get caught by the teacher."

"Okay, near the fountain by the entrance we'll meet okay?"

Shuichi nodded as of the bell ringed, perfect timing. After minutes into class Shuichi had the same feeling before, creepily being watched from afar.

↦ Time Pass

While waiting Shuichi got the sensation of someone coming behind him, of course he was right when he felt the impact of someone wrapping their arms around him. Barely.

"Guess who~! I'll give you a hint, it's your favorite person in the entire school!"

At first Shuchi thought of purposely answering wrong, it was obvious it was Kokichi. Yet in the end he decide to play along with his games, a way to pass time while waiting for Kaede.

"Of course it's my favorite person, the one and only Kokichi. Who wouldn't it else be?"

Turning around it was strange to see no one there, he knew it was Kokichi was behind him but he was no where to be found. Shuichi was confused at first but felt another impact behind him, this time it was Kaede.

"Sorry for being late! I was helping Rantaro help Gonta calm down, Keebo accidentally stepped on a bug and Miu had to help as well later on."

"Speaking of Miu, we still have to continue where we last off. Why don't we walk and talk around the school?"

Kaede smiled at the thought and soon started their walk, before they knew it was night time. Deciding to return to their dorm they said a farewell but Shuichi went back outside again.

He sat on the nearest bench, not noticing the other figure beside him. Shuichi closed his eyes, but just for a moment. When he open his eyes, he was inches away from, kokichi's face.

"Ooh staying up Saihara? I didn't know you that type of guy! Aren't you a goody two-shoes?"

"I wasn't planning on staying Ouma, I was just getting fresh air before heading to my dorm. Now please, get off."

Kokichi noticed that he was apparently sitting on Shuichi's lap, flustered at the thought before getting off. Kokichi laughed to cover up his now pink face, Shuichi knew already but again played along.

"What? You think I am going to do something? What a dirty mind you have Shumai~!--"

"Anyway, I am expecting my ride to be early tomorrow. I was almost late, I was thinking about giving you 1 star but then again you're cute and I couldn't!"

Shuichi couldn't seem to get used to Kokchi's teasing, even after years of it. Brushing it off, he shouldn't think to much of because, of course it was a lie.

"Bye Shuichi, see you tomorrow~!"

At that Kokichi ran to the dorms, Shuichi waited until he couldn't see the shorty before walking back to the dorms as well. After closing the door behind him he sighed, the conversation with Kaede was exhausting.

"First I have to find out if Miu actually likes Keebo, if she doesn't then I need to find her interests then--"

Shuichi stopped himself, he was kindly force to make his eyes shut on his own and fell into a deep sleep. He forgot to change out off his uniform but he was too tired to.

Word count : 965

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