Ch | II

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When Shuichi woke up it was rather strange, he was in shorts with a white shirt, he could obviously remember he wasn't wearing this to bed. Someone must have changed him, first why and second who?

Shuichi couldn't help but get flustered, someone came into his room and changed him. Not just his upper half but his bottom half too.

"Calm down, it's..not that big of a deal."

Changing into his uniform Shuichi walked to class, to his surprise he couldn't see Kokichi anywhere. He was the one saying that Shuichi was his ride to class.

Strangely he had to force himself to go without Kokichi, like something was stopping him but it was weak. Making his way Shuichi found a note in his pocket.

"What's this? I don't remember having this before."

Unfolding the note Shuichi was surprised to find it was from Miu, it didn't have the name but the type of writing it was written it gave Shuichi a good guess.

Listen here emo bitch, after class meet me in the dining hall. Come alone, even flat chest can't be there because I need your help, don't think this'll change the fact that we ain't friends. Be late and I'll crush you between my thighs!

It was a note alright, definitely caught Shuichi attention. He continue to make his way to class, again Kaede was there already. A smile plastered on her face like always.

"Good morning Shuichi! Where's Kokichi? Aren't you his ride like he always says?"

"I don't really know myself, I've seen him last night and he seemed like his usual self."

"I'm sure he's alright, by the way have you gotten anything from Miu? Did you talk about her interests and her relationship with Keebo?"

"Calm down Kaede, I haven't seen Miu at all yesterday so I couldn't. But today I found a note that is diffidently from Miu but I have to go alone."

"Oh, but make sure to tell me anything that will be useful, you know, to make her like me more--"

"Don't beaten yourself up! I'm sure she likes you it's just, her. It's how she acts so don't take this to heart."

"Thanks Shuichi, you're the best friend I could've asked for. You do these things for me and I am grateful for that."

"Of course Kaede!"

Kaede was going for a hug until something, more like someone got between Kaede and Shuichi.

"Nishishi~ What's this? Keep your hands to yourself love birds! This is a school after all."

"Yeah, if you're going to fuck than go do it in your dorms! After all they are sound proof, perfect for getting it down if you what I mean. Right Flatty?"

Miu laughed loudly, Kokichi grinned at both as he walked to his desk. Miu followed but eyed Shuichi who nodded back, he thought that she was talking about the note but oh boy it was rather something else.

Time Pass

Making his way to the dining hall Shuichi saw Rantaro, Kirumi and Maki walking upstairs, he couldn't help but feel suspicious about it. Before he knew it Shuichi was at the dining hall, opening the door Miu waited.

"Finally! I was considering getting in my party outfit so I can crush ya! But looks like you're spared, come come sit. I won't bite~"

Shuichi quietly went to take the seat infront of Miu, she had a grin before laughing it off. She sure did have a lot of moons swings.

"Now listen, don't fucking dare tell this to anyone. Not even flatty, even though she is the topic.."

This will make things easier, but it question Shuichi of why Miu wanted to talk about Kaede in the first place. Unless..

"Eyes up here emo boy! My tits ain't my eyes even though people seem to be interested in them more--"

"Can't she say one sentence without making it lewd?" Shuichi thought.

"Now the important part, I need your help to get close to flatty patty and since you're her friend you'll be the best shot. Again don't tell this to anyone."

This got Shuichi happy, Miu did maybe didn't see Kaede all just a flat chest. Not to forget Shuichi wrote the things that interest Miu as well as telling her what Kaede likes.

After what seems to be a hour Shuichi's job as a cupid was finished, Miu didn't exactly said thanks but Shuichi knew she was.

Shuichi began to walk back until the impact of someone hugging him from behind almost tripping him over and dropping the notepad.

Once he turned around, it was Kokichi but unlike his usual wear he had a dark purple cape, black shoes to match his black blouse and white pants. Shuichi couldn't help but blush a bit, it was his first time seeing Kokichi like this.

"Hello Shumai~ I see my ride is here to take me away!"

Kokichi hopped up onto Shuichi's back, wrapping his arms on Shuichi's neck as well as wrapping his legs onto the brightly red male's waist. Shuichi was frozen, he couldn't move or even blink.

"Saihara? Are you okay? Oh wait, do you like my outfit? Is that why Shuichi is bright red~?"

Shuichi couldn't answer, because the lack of balance both ended up falling. Shuichi shut his eyes from the impact, reopening them he was one inch away from Kokichi's face. Shuichi sucked his lips incase an accident occured.

"You need to be more careful Shumai! We almost kissed and you wouldn't want that to happen, right~?"

Shuichi kept silent.

"Huh, didn't confirm nor denied. So you want me to kiss you or something~?"

Again Shuichi kept silent.

"Fine then, if Saihara won't answer me then we'll be stuck in this position--"

"Who knew I would be the one to be top in this relationship Shuichi~"

Shuichi didn't speak but sure did have a reaction, a pink hue covered his face. He could hear laughing from Kokichi, who seemed to be enjoying this.

For some reason...

Word count : 1007

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