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"Ms. Carter, could you sit back for a moment?" Mr. Barron pauses for a beat. "You too, Mr. Hayden."

I freeze mid-step, a frown touching my lips. Fallon gives me a questioning look and I shrug in response and wave her off. She leaves with the rest of the class. If I end up late, I'm sure Mr. Barron will give me a pass.

Next I glance in Isaac's direction, who shrugs a little too innocently for my liking. There's a hint of something in his eyes. Mischief, maybe? I'm only half concerned with that right now. The other half of me is wondering what we could've done to piss Mr. Barron off.

It's not like we bicker or talk during class. And most of the time, Fallon sits in between us anyway. I, for one, am happy to let her while I sort through my jumbled feelings. Distance is key here. If I get too close, I get sucked in by his intoxicating scent and gorgeous smile and start making decisions I'm not sure about. See: pool incident.

"Is there something wrong?" I ask. Mr. Barron winces slightly, his lips pulling into a tight line. Yep, there's a problem.

He sighs, beckoning me closer and extending a piece of paper.


It's our latest test, my test, sporting a big fat F in the corner next to an embarrassingly low number over the total of points offered. I did so bad that half the paper isn't even white anymore; it's red.

I knew I hadn't done well, but I didn't think I had done that bad.

"Thalia, I know you're new to our school this year and the curriculum might've been a little different back in Chicago, but after this test, you're officially failing my class. You're very good about completing your work, but the work itself and your testing...has some room for improvement." That's putting it nicely. I'm an idiot. "I can't have you falling this far behind already."

My face flushes. Leave it to me to fail this quickly. If it was a race, I'd be past the finish line.

He must see the panic set in, because he's quick to follow up. "That's why Isaac is here. I've floated the idea by him and he has graciously agreed to be your tutor until we see a steady improvement in your grades."

"Why him?" I blurt, startling them both. Mr. Barron's eyebrows shoot up, and Isaac lifts a hand to his lips to cover his silent laughter. "No offense," I add quickly.

I don't sound at all convincing.

More alone time with him is exactly what I was trying to avoid. I can handle him in a group setting. There's plenty of distractions and outs and space between us. But me and him, alone together for hours on end? How often will these "sessions" be? What do I do if he tries to kiss me again and it's just us and my self-control says see ya!

Because if I'm put in that position again, I'm not sure I would run away this time.

I'm also not sure that's the best idea.

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