Chapter 1

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Eijiro woke up at exactly five o'clock on the dot. He felt his phone vibrating from under his makeshift "pillow." The cold air stung his nose and the harsh reality of the daytime hit him. He got up from where he was laying under a bench in the courtyard of his school grounds and headed for the port-a-potty. He brought his backpack into the cramped space with him and pulled out some ace bandage wrap. As quickly as he possibly could, he pulled up his baggy sweatshirt off of him and wrapped the bandages tightly around his chest. He secured the arrangement with 2 bobby pins he had found on the floor at school and some duct tape for safety. 

Then he rinsed his face with some water from his water bottle and doused himself in some cologne he had bought. It smelled kinda weird, but it was supposed to be manly, and at least it could cover up the fact that Eijiro hadn't showered in a week. Lastly, he ran his fingers through his newly dyed red hair and made sure it stuck up. Satisfied with his appearance, he exited the small bathroom.

Back outside, Eijiro rolled up his sleeping bag tightly and shoved it into the bushes until it was deep enough not to be visible. Then he headed out for his morning job. Luckily for him, the diner was only a few blocks away, and it served breakfast to its employees. He arrived there around 5:30, and the owner, affectionately called "Fatgum" by his staff, stood waiting with a grin for Eijiro.

"Morning son!" He patted Eijiro on the back with a large hand, almost toppling him over.

"Good morning sir!" He answered brightly, smiling back at his boss. "Should I just set up like normal?"

"That would be fantastic Ei! Thank you! And I have an egg sandwich waiting for you in the kitchen." He smiled warmly and held up his hand for a morning high-five, which Eijiro clapped happily. As he walked into the heated diner, he dropped his backpack on a chair by the door. 

The smell of the sandwich wafted in from the kitchen and it took all of Eijiro's willpower not run to it and scarf it down. Instead he walked over slowly and ate in what he assumed was reasonable sized bites. After that, he helped Fatgum set up the tables and chairs, and write the specials on the board. Before long, all his work was done and he said goodbye to his employer and headed off for school.

The walk shouldn't have taken very long, but Eijiro managed to linger slowly, saying hi to all the shop owners opening up like they did every morning. What should have been no longer than a five minute walk ended up taking more than twenty minutes, which was a definite victory in Eijiro's book. He ambled into the school grounds, for what he pretended was the first time today. A few girls stared at him with what they must have thought were inconspicuous glances, but Eijiro could feel the burn of their eyes on him. For the most part though, no one seemed to notice the red-haired boy.

Eijiro followed the familiar path to his locker and glanced around for a second before unlocking his. He pulled out his books and binder, then gently shoved his ratty backpack inside and set his two thick padlocks into place in front of the door. A few boys smirk as they pass, and one called out, "Oooh whatcha got in there, buddy? Is it sooo manly?" Eijiro turned around in an instant and smiled sheepishly.

"Uhm, you know, just all my stuff. Y-yeah, you know, it's... manly?" He chuckled nervously.

"So, you wanna come over and do some manly shit after school today?" The boy who seems to be in charge of the gaggle of boys grins.

"Oh, well I actually have to work today, sorry..." Eijiro looked at the floor.

"Oh really? Don't you wanna be one of the boys? It's like you're not even trying. Whatever. I was just trying to be nice, it's not like any dude is actually ever gonna wanna hang out with you." He frowns and walks away, the pack of kids following him. Eijiro sighed and then perked up a bit when he saw some familiar faces. 

"Jirou!" He called out happily. "Jessi! Ari! Emma!" The purple-haired girl named Jirou turned her head at the sound of her name and gave a small wave to the boy standing alone by his locker. But before he could walk over to the group, one of the girls grabbed Jirou's arm and pulled her away. Eijiro was disappointed, but unfortunately not surprised. He bit his lip and headed off to his first class.

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