My first day of college

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Esme's POV

Today is my first day of college. I have never been away from my mom no longer than 3 days so I'm kind of nervous being on my own for once. I walk to my moms car and see her tearing up I then hug my mom. we get in to the car and drive off I look out of the window putting in my headphones listening to music. I woke up out of my sleep I didn't even remember falling asleep we were here at my college campus. I get out of the car and stretch then my mom pop the trunk and I get my stuff out it wasn't much. I then look for my dorm room and there it was I opened the door and I had a roommate. she was pretty I put my stuff down and walked towards her on the bed I introduced myself and shook her hand "Hey my name is Jade" she said. she had a nose ring with green eyes with blonde hair. she had a dark blue crop top with some navy blue skinny jeans and black and white air forces. she asked if I had a boyfriend I said no because who needs men there a distraction. she then laughed and helped me put my things away and get comfortable. she then asked me if I wanted to me some of her friends I said yea why not we then get up and walk out of our dorm. we go to the campus yard and wait for them to come while we waited we sat and talked watch tiktok. Her friends finally got there it was 2 girls and two boys. one girl was in a shirt that had harry styles on the front with booty shirts. she introduced herself " hi I'm Rebecca your new I can tell" as she looks me up and down I just brush it off then the other girl was pretty and nice she had ginger hair with green eyes she smiles and introduces herself " hey I'm Peyton" as she smiles I then smile back and tell her my name she complimented my my eyes witch made me blush I said thank you. then its was one boy he was weird and quiet he didn't say much but at least he said his name. hey "I'm Attis" he says with a small smile. then it was one boy left he didn't say anything to me or introduce himself witch I thought was rude but I didn't say anything. the boy I didn't know the name of yelled from where he was standing telling us to hurry up I then looked at jade and asked where we going she said to this little party I nodded and proceeded to walk we get to the party and I sit there on my phone it was loud and everyone was drinking accept me. I looked up looking around to see if there's a bathroom there was one not that far so I got up and walked to the bathroom. I freshened up and walk out. I then felt some one brush against my  butt it was a tall 6ft frat boy. he looked really drunk he tried to grab my arm I then pushed him and said knock it off but then he grabbed both of my wrist and puled me towards him making our lips almost touch. I then try to get away but that didn't happen I felt and gust of wind so I flinched and I felt his grip on my wrist loosen and he was on the floor. I look up and see the boy I didn't know the name of was standing there with his fist balled up he look angry. he asked if I was ok and I said yes he finally introduced himself his name was blaze he had tattoos on his body with brown hair and blue eyes he was buff I could tell through his shirt. He look at me and his look of anger turned to a blush I got nervous and looked down at my feet. He then smirked and walked away I looked at him once more as he walked away I then felt butterflies and went back to wear I was sitting. it was getting late so I walked back to my dorm and fell asleep. 

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