The new girl

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Blaze's POV

My idiot friends wanted to meet this new girl or whatever I just wanted to go to the party I walked wit Rebecca and Attis to meet up with jade. as I was walking I saw jade and this other girl I stopped seeing the the girl from a far she was beautiful I never seen a girl as beautiful as her. Rebecca saw me staring at the girl and tried to touch me I moved. she such a slut I was thinking in my head at the moment. I then walked more then stopped not getting close to the girl. she said her name was Esme that was a beautiful name I thought to myself I didn't introduce myself because there was no need I don't believe in love. I then yelled at them to hurry up I want to get to the fucking party I said they began walking. we got to the part I drank a beer or two then played beer pong. I looked over at Esme she was on her phone. she is different I could tell I then resume playing beer pong and man am I kicking there ass. five minutes later I see Esme get up and walk to the bathroom. I talk to one the guys I beat in beer pong I saw Esme come out of the bathroom but something made my blood boil. A guy touched her butt and grabbed her wrist. I went over there clenched my jaw and my fist collided with his jaw he fell I was still angry but I wasn't  going to let it get the best of me. I know I have anger issues but when I turned around and looked at her its like everything melted away. I introduced myself to her she smiled it lit up the whole room I know I came off as rude for not saying anything as the first time i thought in my head she said thank you as I noticed her eyes wondered around my body I began to blush. she got nervous it was pretty cute then she walked away and sat back down I then walked back to wear I was Rebecca walked up to me and said "what was that little stunt you don't even know her" she said with a smirk on her face shut the fuck up Rebecca and go suck dick somewhere else I said she then walked away. I saw Esme get up and walk out of the party she walked back to her dorm I wanted to walk with her so badly but I stopped myself from following her out and drank another beer.

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