Part 2

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"You know it's true!" You yelled, your hands tangling themselves in your hair as you paced back in forth in your living room. Your eyes narrowed and filled with anger and sadness whenever you looked at Steve and Natasha.

They both had ambushed you.

It had been an official week since Bucky left you standing all alone in your apartment. During that week you hadn't spoken to any of the Avengers and mostly stayed in your apartment binge-watching Netflix and eating thin mints.

You tried to forget about it.

That didn't work.

You tried to confront it by almost calling him.

You gave up.

You thought about getting it all off your chest and rant about it.

But you had no one.

Your doorbell had rung less than ten minutes ago and for a brief moment, you thought it was Bucky. Your heart swelled up in your chest and you practically sprung over the couch to get to the door. But when you opened it, you saw two angry-looking Avengers.

They didn't even say anything before barging in, which lead to the argument.

"Bullshit, Y/n!" Steve's tone was harsh and annoyed, both of his hands were on his hips and it had been a while since he had gotten this mad at you. Normally Steve was a level-headed man but when it came to you, you always seemed to be getting under his skin.

"No, it's true!" You argued, your foot stomping down and you didn't care if your neighbors were getting pissed. "None of you wanted to believe the fact that I actually loved him! None of you even gave me a chance to prove it, you all never gave me a chance! You never do! Y/n's just the big ol' bad guy!" You lowered your voice and mimicked Steve with the last sentence.

"You were going to break his heart just like you did to all the others." Natasha jumped in. Natasha and you were always having some sort of competition, ever since day one. You were the one who started it, you admit that. But honestly, you were messing around with everyone, trying to test your limits.

Natasha however wouldn't let you get away with playing with everyone's feelings, whether they be romantic or friendly, she didn't like it when people messed with her friends. Even if you were just simply being you.

"My point exactly!" You flailed your arms out towards Natasha, you were being a bit dramatic but so were they. This whole thing was stupid. You and Bucky's relationship should have stayed between you and Bucky. Not you, Bucky and the Avengers. "You don't trust me, you don't have faith in me!"

"You haven't earned our trust." Steve lowered his voice but kept a stern tone, causing you to roll your eyes and shake your head.

"Now that's some bullshit." You pointed a shaky finger at Steve. "I've tried-"

"When?" Natasha crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow at you."When have you tried to earn our trust back?"

You pursed your lips and put on your sassiest face of them all. "Well, if you would just give me a second to talk, maybe I could tell you."

You twisted your lips as you thought about it and both Steve and Natasha scuffed at how long it took you to pull an answer together.

"A few years ago..." You trailed out the sentence, part of you still thinking. "After Tony, I promised not to mess with any of you anymore."

"Yeah, well, you broke that promise awfully fas-" Steve started to say but you held a finger up and shushed him.

"Two years." You said. "I kept that promise for two years."

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