Alternate Ending

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Every time you moved your arms a sharp pain would surge down your sides and focus on the spot of your belly that was wrapped tight in bandages and was sewed shut with painful stitches. Stitches that you may or may not have broken a couple of times.

You were sick of being stuck in a highly uncomfortable bed all day. The constant beeping of machines and the dull smell of cleanness and medicine were driving you insane. You spent most of your days on your laptop, talking to those who visited you or staring out the door and windows. Wanda stayed with you as much as she could, but she was busy and couldn't always stop by to keep you entertained.

The rest of the Avengers made a lot of appearances as well. They were all crammed into your room when you woke up, much to your surprise. So many flowers, stuffed animals, cards, balloons, and much more from each of them.

They were all lucky that you were a very forgiving person, and also having a near-death experience really made you open your eyes. As cheesy as that sounds.

Things were still a bit hesitant, from both sides. The Avengers were regretful and it showed in every action they did. While you were a bit cautious, you knew their eyes had been opened wide after they nearly lost you, but you were worried it wouldn't last.

Wanda has assured you many times that the Avengers were not throwing you to the side ever again, and that you had nothing to worry about.

While you were stuck where you were recovering, the Avengers tower was now being filled with pictures. Pictures of you. There's a wall in the family room that is filled head to toe with different pictures of the Avengers.

There's a picture of Tony, Steve, and Bruce last Halloween, all of them smiling and laughing. "Stark, spangled, Banner," is what they went as.

There's a picture of Natasha giving Clint a piggyback ride throughout every inch of the tower after she lost a game of Monopoly to him.

There's a picture of Sam putting magnets on Bucky's arm while he was sleeping. The picture was the reason Bucky woke up, Scott forgot to turn the flash off. Sam leaped over that couch so quickly that he ended up spraining his ankle.

And the most favored picture of them all is you. Nobody remembers who took the picture, all they know is that they all love how happy you look in it. You weren't even looking at the camera, your gaze focused on something a little to the left of both the camera and the photographer. Your hair was lazily done but it was pushed back with a white headband so everybody could see you. You were laughing lightly, your lips tinted pink and teeth as white as snow. Your eyes were sparkling so bright and they were filled with such happiness and love.

Nobody remembers who took the picture or what event they were even at, but they do know who your gaze was focused on. The man you were admiring from afar, the man that made a smile cross your features, the man that caused so much love to fill your eyes.

James Buchanan Barnes.

You hadn't seen him except once since you woke up. Wanda told you it was because he was scared, and you could see how he was timid to come to see you. After all, you two broke up because he thought you didn't really love him, and then you took a bullet to save his life.

Well, you had seen him when you woke up and you would see him again today, after two weeks.

"Are you sure you should be eating this much?" Wanda's forehead was wrinkled slightly in worry as she set down another thing of pudding. "You were just shot. Maybe you should pace yourself."

You shrugged your shoulders slightly and shoved a spoonful of pudding in your mouth. You gave her a muffled response without actually opening your mouth, but when she cocked her head to the side and stared at you, you repeated yourself.

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