24. Purple Part II

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As soon as I get to the gate of Kaito's house, I was greeted by his main bodyguard as he greets me with a sinister smirk. I walk past him as he grabs me with full force and drags me towards the door.

It's like I wasn't already heading towards the door to see Kaito. I see Kaito sitting in his chair as he takes a sip from a cup. He looks up at me and waves his men to leave as his bodyguard throws me towards the ground. I quickly get up from the floor as Kaito throws his cup at me and it hits the top of my head.

Kaito starts laughing as blood rushes down my face and Kaito goes for another cup.

I rush over to him and throw a punch at him as I hit him on the back of his head. Kaito doesn't react to my punch, so I continue hitting him.

"You can't really do any damage with those weak arms of yours," said Kaito as he turns around to face me.

Kaito throws me a towel as I listen to the blood drip onto his floor. "Why did you have to hurt him like that? If you're angry with me then punish me," I yell at him.

"You haven't learned, Hwasa," said Kaito as he takes a sip from the cup.

"I don't want to be here anymore, please let me go," I beg him as I wipe my tears.

"I can't do that, Hwasa. The only way you can leave my side is in a coffin. Not even if your boyfriend pays a big amount for you."

"I don't have a boyfriend," I say to him as my gaze goes away from him.

"I'm not stupid, Hwasa... The one who picked you up after you left here."

I quickly looked at him as he knows that I was with Baekhyun last night.

"Yes. I also have someone watching you, just like he has someone watching you as well. I know what I am doing. If he wants war then war is what I can give him. Do you want to see him die?"

I get on my knees and look up at him. "Please don't hurt him or anyone else. You can hurt me all you want but leave them untouched."

Kaito pets my head and gives me a smirk. "You look so good down on your knees, Hwasa," said Kaito as he wipes the bloody hand on his shirt.

I close my eyes and he pinches my cheek. "Look at me," said Kaito.

I open my eyes and look up at him as his eyes are on me.

"Don't ever see him again. You know what I am capable and it will hurt."

I nod my head as my lip trembles as the words come out of my mouth.

"Yes, sir."

Kaito calls for his bodyguard to come in and he tell him something that I can't hear.


I hear my brothers voice and looking at him made my heart hurt so much. I take him into my arms and he begins crying so loudly that I knew that he will never be able to do what he loves ever again. He shows me his hands and all his fingers were broken. "My hands," said my brother as he began to wrap them with his shirt.

"I'm sorry, brother," I say to him as I help him wrap his hands.

"Take them away," said Kaito as he commands his man to take us out of his house.

"Where are we going???" I ask them but they don't say anything.

They push us into a van and slam the door shut as the driver begins to drive.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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