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Now now now, don't go thinking that this chapter is about her, it ain't. Or is it?

and omg that pic so cute

3 Years Ago

"Jason Todd." Bruce kept the tears from his eyes. "He was an invaluable part of my family. I'm not gonna lie though, Jason could be an asshole. If you are here, you know this. But with his background, that could be forgiven. He was 13 when I found him on the street, smoking, and stealing tires off my car. Yes, that is a true story." Bruce smiled.

"Jason was my second son, the one before Tim. Tim and Jason never met, but I can tell that they would not get along. At first look, you can tell yourself that Jason was just an angsty and angry kid. That he was just a lonely teen. But when I took him in, I learned that he was truly alone. His mother left him, his father died in prison, and from the looks of it, Jason was gonna take after his father."

"It took time to heal, as all wounds do, but when Jason healed, the boy came out better for it. I am proud of my son." Bruce moved so that Dick could have the speaking grounds of the funeral. "My name is Dick Grayson. That is what my little brother told people when they asked about my name. It irritated the snot out of me, but I came to enjoy being around the real Jason. When you meet Jason, you're probably fighting. But when I met Jason, I was coming home to help Bruce with WE.

"I, like many others, assumed that he was just an angry kid. Over time, Jason and I became the person we would run to if we needed to talk. I listened and heard what he said, and helped him with his problems. Now that seems easy but with Jason, nothing is easy. I love Jason, and I would give anything to see him again." Dick shed a tear.

"I am the family butler, Alfred Pennyworth. Master Jason was an incredible boy, one who was hurt but never stayed down. I would like to share a story with you all, one that I hope will stay in your hearts. One night, Master Jason was terribly sick. He was going to go to a friend's house that night. I would not let him leave with such an awful mood and sickness. Master Jason was told that he could go by Master Bruce, and I told him that while Master Bruce is your father, but I am the father of this house." Alfred smiled.

"I fed him until he couldn't speak. By morning, he was as fine as always. He started helping in the kitchen after that, and it was an amazing experience.  Master Jason was so happy, and that made me joyful. Thank you for your time." The butler left with Bruce and a crying Dick. Tim followed the trio.

"Who was that?" A small boy with a hooded shirt asked a certain older boy. "Bruce Wayne. He was my dad, and he is your dad." Jason lowered himself. "He's my dad? Really? Wow!" The 10-year-old Damian smiled, making the older boy smile as well. "Yeah, and the other one, Dick, he's your brother! I don't think I like Tim, but the other one, Alfred, is a really good cook, even helped me learn how to cook!" Jason cherished an old memory.

"Hood, where are you? Where is Damian? You've only had him for four months and I swear to God, if a hair on his head is missing, torture won't be a word describing what I will do to you!" Talia's voice entered the comms. "Mom, I met dad! And Dick, Tim, and Alfred!" The ten-year-old exclaimed into Jason's ear. 


"Damian, stay in the here and now. If you ever want to see your mother again, you'll learn." Jason swept his legs as the boy swung his sword through the air. "Who said I want to see Mother again? You're way better." Damian smiled. Jason snorted when Lorna entered the room. Damian lies there on the floor before deciding to head to his room. "Hey, what's going on with you? You seem to hate your mother at this point, which is funny because you practically worshipped her last year. What don't I know?" Jason accompanied the boy down the hall to his room; Lorna following closely behind.

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