Unfailing Love [9/3/20]

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One thing I think many unbelievers find hard to grasp is just how possible it is to LOVE someone without supporting their actions.

I don't just mean continuing to love a family member after they make foolish decisions, or when a friend falls into drug abuse and is hurting himself, etc. That kind of love is a WONDERFUL and deeply powerful love but if you cannot love someone when they actively promote what you know to be wrong, if you can't love someone when they hate everything that gives you life and energy, when they disagree with something that seems like common sense and it ruins other people's lives, IF YOU CANNOT SEE THEM AS HUMAN BEINGS WHO NEED LOVE EVEN IF EVERY PATH THEY'VE TURNED DOWN HAS TURNED THEM INTO A RACIST, CONCEITED LIAR...

If you can't do this, you do not have the love of Christ. You do not have the love that only the Creator of your very soul can give. You may have love, but it is a love of the world, a love that is weak and is reserved only for the ones who return it. Look at these people, people like Paul, who slaughtered the innocent by the hundreds because they disagreed with his views on morality and divine power. How is it at all possible that we can be so sure this man is in eternal paradise with Christ and that we may one day meet him ourselves?

Because the love of God is strong enough to love the unlovable.

This does not mean you need to agree with everything a person says. It does not mean you have to trust them. It does not mean you have to risk your own safety and well-being to make sure that person is comfortable. But it does mean that God has called us to love as He has loved us, which means not giving up on people like this, and not discrediting any changes they make for the better because of what they used to be.

If you are incapable of this you have a love that fails. Any love at all is a beautiful thing, but if it is not God's love, it will not last. God didn't give up on the slave traders, rapists, persecutors, violators, and racists. It is possible to love someone because they are another one of God's creations and still despise their actions, to have hope that they can change if it is God's will. Love, because you have no clue who Jesus has chosen to love Him. No matter what they look like or act like now. Love because you are their equal. Love because Christ is in you and you, Christian, have a precious gift that you did not earn.

Do not waste it.

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