How We Pray [8/25/20]

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Matthew 6:5-13 talks about how we pray. We should not be like those who use vain repetitions, who think that because their prayers are well-spoken and wise, or longer, they will be heard, or that they'll leave a better impression with God.

The amount of words in your prayers means nothing to Christ. Your capability to speak eloquently or lack thereof does not make your prayers any more or less affective. 

You are talking to a God who knows exactly what you need before you ever think to come to him (verse 8.) Romans 8:26 says that we do not know how to pray like we ought to, but God knows that, and the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.

Unlike others, what you say versus what you mean cannot confuse Him. Pray from the heart and know that He hears you no matter your level of spiritual maturity or education, and pray in faith (Matthew 21:22). 

And it is always helpful to pray about your prayers. That means to pray that the meditation of your heart and the things you ask the Lord for will not come from a place of selfishness (James 4:3) but from a desire to see God's plan fulfilling your life and a strong trust that He will provide even in ways we don't expect. (1 John 5:14-15)

I like to think of the lyrics from "Even If" by MercyMe.

I know You're able, I know You can
Sing through the fire with
Your mighty hand
But even if you don't
My hope is You alone

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