Chapter 13

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Minho's P.O.V

"Jisung!" Minho screams as the bullet hits the boy in front of him. "Jisung! Are you okay?" He knows it's a stupid question to ask someone who has just been shot, but he says stupid stuff when he's panicking.

With a strength he didn't know he possessed, he pulled his wrists free from the rope around them, he wraps his arms around Jisung, and starts to apply pressure to the wound.

Jisung trembles in pain as he turns to look at Minho, a small smile has made its way to the younger boy's lips. Minho looks Jisung in the eyes, his eyes look different, they're almost black, the usual colors are nowhere to be found, one by one the stars in his eyes start to fade until only a few are left.

"I love you." Jisung whispers as the last star fades away, he closes his eyes and lays his head on Minho's chest.

"Jisung! No! Stay with me!" Minho yells so loud he's sure the whole kingdom hears him. Tears stream down his face as he tries to wake Jisung up.

Suddenly a crash is heard and a herd of angels flies down into the building. The whole thing is a blur, Minho hears gunshots and screaming, he hears swords hitting each other and someone calling his name. He looks up just in time to see Chris, the court witch, running towards him when another shot is heard and his leg is suddenly on fire, he looks down and sees blood gushing from his leg.

When Chris reaches him the room is already spinning, he tries to stay awake but fails.


Minho slowly cracks his eyes open, a strong light meets him and he has to close them again. Am I in heaven? Did I die? he thinks as he tries to open his eyes again, this time it's a bit easier. A beeping noise fills his ears as he looks around, he doesn't recognize the place but he assumes it's a hospital room.

Minho looks down and sees his brother sleeping, he's sitting in a chair and his head is laying on the bed. Minho slowly moves his hand toward Jeongin and touches his arm.

Jeongin turns his head with his eyes still closed, he opens his eyes and quickly sits up when he realizes that Minho is awake. "Hyung! You're awake!" The loud yell from the boy makes Minho wince, "Sorry." Jeongin sheepishly mumbles. "Are you okay Hyung?" He asks.

Minho suddenly remembers Jisung and shoots out of bed, black dots cover his vision, "Where's Jisung?" He asks before he falls back into the bed.

Jeongin doesn't answer him, he looks at his hands in his lap and sniffles.

"Jeongin, where's Jisung?" He tries again. No answer. "Jeongin, what's wrong? Please tell me he's okay!" Minho yells as his heartbeat quickens.

"I don't know, okay? I don't know who Jisung is! Do you have any idea what you just went through? What I just went through?" He cries and looks away. Minho stays silent, stunned by his brother's sudden outburst, "I thought you died" He chokes out the last word, "I thought you would never wake up, Hyung."

"I'm sorry, Innie." Minho takes the younger boy's hands.

"I was so scared, Hyung. Don't ever do that again, please." He whispers and sobs when Minho pulls him in for a hug.

They sit in silence for a while until the door opens. A man in a white coat walks through the door, "His Royal Highness, you're awake." The man says with a friendly smile, "I'm Doctor Lee, but you can call me Junho." He walks towards the bed and looks at a paper he's holding.

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