Chapter 21 + Epilogue

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Mr. Han's P.O.V

"Can you believe it?" Mr. Han says while reading the newspaper, he places the coffee cup on the table in front of him and looks at his wife, "The prince is marrying a man," He shakes his head in disbelief, "Absolutely disgusting, how is that allowed?"

She nearly chokes on her tea, "Are you sure? Where did you read that?" Mr. Han gives her the newspaper and points to an article at the top of the page. "They must be insane to allow something like that," She says after reading the article.

"Whoever the guy is, his parents must be very disappointed in him," Mr. Han drinks the rest of his coffee.

"It doesn't say who it is?" Mrs. Han asks and reads the article again to find a name, but to her disappointment the article doesn't state the name of the soon-to-be spouse of the Prince. "Should we attend the wedding?" She suddenly asks, she sips her tea before continuing, "I need some gossip to tell the girls next week."


Jisung's P.O.V

"I'm so nervous," Jisung says.  It's the day of the wedding and Jisung is far from mentally ready for it.

"I know. Me too," Hyunjin replies, he is currently styling Jisung's hair - more like trying to style it.

"Why are you nervous?"

"Because i can't get your hair to do as i want," He says and makes a frustrated sound, "And my best friend is getting married, so I'm allowed to be nervous," Jisung giggles and nods his head in agreement. "It's gonna be fine, the only thing that could make it go wrong is if Minho runs away or says no, or if your parents are there, or if-"

"Okay! Thank you, I feel much better now," Jisung says and rolls his eyes.

Hyunjin scratches his head and looks down, "Oops, Sorry. I didn't mean to make you more nervous."

"It's okay, Hyunjinnie, I know that none of that will happen," Jisung smiles at Hyunjin through the mirror. "I'm just nervous that people won't accept me." He mumbles and looks at his hands.

"The people who don't accept you as you are don't deserve you. Just be yourself, don't waste energy on people who want you to change."

"Since when did you get this poetic?" Jisung laughs.

"Since I started dating Seungmin, he always-"

"You're dating Seungmin?!" Jisung half yells, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I just did," Hyunjin holds his hands up in defense, "And we only made it official yesterday."

Jisung rolls his eyes again, "Whatever, I'm really happy for you, you two are so cute together." He turns around and hugs Hyunjin.

"Careful! you're going to ruin your hair!"


Minho's P.O.V

"5 Minutes!" Jaemin yells through the door. Minho takes a deep breath and looks at himself in the mirror, he adjusts his tie and fixes his hair one last time before stepping out of the room.

"I'm ready," Minho says. He follows Jaemin through the hallways and into the great hall which is filled with guests.


Mrs. Han's P.O.V

"Look, the Prince is here." Mrs. Han says and stands up like the rest of the guests, Mr. Han does the same and they bow out of courtesy - and because everyone else does it- When Crown Prince Minho walks past their row.

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