Starts her work

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Monica looks out her plane and her boss sits across from her. Her boss was a tall guy about 5'10 and had light blue eyes and brown hair. He always made her do stuff like going on missions but this was her second mission that she had after he retirement.
"Monica there are 5 boys. 4 are British and 1 is Irish. Now you can't be seen so they don't get worried. Understand" Monica looks at him" yeah got to take care of 4 British boys and an Irish dude. I got one thing though." He looks at her and sits back in his sit and runs his hand around his face.
"And what is that Monica."
She glares at him and flings her hands up holding ten fingers up in his face." 10 eyes I have to watch for in the same house that's gonna be hell boss! Let me see there files know." Her boss hands her a five files.

Harry Styles:
Hair color-brown and curly hair
Color eyes-green

Zayn Malik:
Hair color-black and straight
Color eyes-brown

Niall Horan-
Hair color-blonde
Color eyes-blue

Louis Tomlinson-
Hair color-brown
Color eyes-green

Liam Payne-
Hair color-brownish
Color eyes-brown

She nods at the files and looks." I'm gonna go change."
She goes to her room on the plane. There was a love bed and a lamp on a table next to the bed. Her black one suit was in the closet where she left it from her last mission protecting the mayor of Costa Rica. she takes a deep breath and shakes her hands. She grabs her suit and smiles.
"Why are you doing this again."she puts it on and then grabs her boots.She zips them up and starts to feel the plane land. She looks up and a guy was standing there smiling at her.
" The plane has landed we are now in Britain."
She smiles." I didn't notice."
She walks pasted him and she walks off the plane with a fake smile."okay look we will drop you off a block away from there's not hard to find and you'll know what house it is."
She gets inside the car and closes the door as they take off. Britain wasn't a bad place. It was pretty and it was very cold. They stop on the end of a block and her boss turns around and faces her.
"Be careful and you have all your stuff in your jacket and you belt. Mini cameras,speakers,shockers,guns and more and you know that. There house is the one at the end of the next street trust me you won't miss it. Be careful and I'm only a call away."
Monica nods and gets out and watches her boss leave. She turns and starts walking as she glances at all the houses around her.
She sees a big house that looked like a 3 story. She shivers and runs slightly to the backyard.she sees the gate was locked and she peaks through the whole and sees cameras and a big back yard.
"Holy shiz." She grabs her Bobby pens and picks the lock. She doesn't open the door first but takes out a little piece of gum out and start to chew it.
"Owes shit! I always hated this." She finishes and Ames and then Spits hitting the camera and turning it off.
She looks and does the same for the two other cameras. She opens the gate and her mouth drops.

~ my gosh I'll get lost in this damn place. The pool looks like the Pacific Ocean decided to be there back yard.~

She slowly walks around and smiles at the flowers and how big the pool was.
"Don't mind if I take a dip" She laughs and walks to the door where she sees a tabby cat looking at her. She looks down and sees another one.
"Seriously they didn't tell me there was animals." She grabs the cat and brings the animal to a bush and taps it's head and tip toes to the back door.
she picks the back door and she walks in" she looks around the living room and it looked like a hotel lobby.
"Why the hell would someone want to live in a house like this. It's so big."
She walks up to the kitchen counter and looks" I would like a hotel room" she jumps over and looks" okay what's your name" she jumps back over and flips her hair a little and smiles weird.
"Irish Nail you should now me..I'm from One Direction..." She jumps back over and slips and falls on the floor. She laughs as she grabs her butt and gets back up" I'm funny." She looks around and frowns a little.
"Damn I need friends."
she walks up the stairs and goes to the first floor" wow a game room! Why can't we have on of these back at headquarters."
she walks out the game room and and opens another door and Monica's eyes light up
"YEEES A TRAMPOLINE ROOM." she jumps in and she starts to jump"THIS IS AWESOME" she jumps for a few seconds and jumps out the door
" haha okay next door." She walks into the other rooms " my gosh it looks like the bathrooms have there own bathrooms" as she went into a room she here's voices down stairs
" Harry you are the one who didn't get Nando's your crazy" no Taco Bell is awesome..Liam is the one who wanted Popeyes" Liam looks at Harry" Harry Popeyes has some ballin chicken"
Monica nods her head and whispers" yes yes they do"

Liam looks" besides Zayn and Louis wanted McDonald's" Louis and Zayn smile" what the fries are killer" they all laugh and sit down and start to talk.
Monica looks around the room she's in" this dude is crazy about himself" she looks at the the posters and his hair products.she turns and sees a figure and she kicks it. She looks at it was a cut out" ohh shit..ummm " she grabs tap and taps the head back" okay looks good" she smiles and the head falls off. She glares and turns Round" she here's foot steps and she looks at the window. She opens it and looks down" damn" she grabs her sticky tap and puts it on her hands and jumps out catching her self on the wall. She crawls down like a spider and hides in the bushes.

Zayn walks into his room and screams" NOOOO MY CUT OUT OF ME.." The boys run upstairs and Monica took her chance and went on the side of the house out of view." Okay I'm safe I hope"

My gosh is ZAYN gonna start to investigate to find who broke his card board cut out of him?Is Monica safe? We will find out..

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