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"Why haven't you asked me about my scar?",he questioned while looking down

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"Why haven't you asked me about my scar?",he questioned while looking down. "Your scar? I just assumed it's something private and you don't wanna talk about it",I answered.

He looked up,eyes softening a bit. "To be honest I know from experience how bad it makes you feel when people point out your flaws",I said to myself

Todoroki's POV

Why is she so kind to me? I'm surprised she hasn't interrogated me about my hideous scar,usually when I meet people,that's the first thing they point out. Should I tell her about it? She's one of the very few people I trust anyway.

"Y/n are we friends?"

"Of course,why wouldn't we be",the h/c haired girl answered in a calm yet happy tone. A small smile started to grow on my face.

Why am I smiling?

I haven't smiled in years,yet whenever I see her she makes me feel a happy. "Do you want to know about my scar?",I asked.

"If you want to,I'm not forcing you. I've always wondered about it but you don't have to tell me".

I took a deep breath,"when I was younger, my father made it seem like my only purpose was to surpass All Might. He made me train endlessly at the age of five. He used to hit my mother,driving her to her breaking point. In every memory of my mother I only see her crying, I remember she called my left side unbearable before she poured boiling water on my face,the reason why I don't use my fire side is because I want to show my old man I reject his damn fire quirk,that I can win with only using my mothers quirk",I finished.

Before I could look up to see her reaction,her arms were wrapped around my torso. "Why?,why did you have to go through that?",she sobbed. "Why is your father harsh,why is he using you?",she cried out again while hugging me tighter.

I looked down at her,"life isn't fair sometimes",I simply answered while patting her head. I'm not used to people getting close to me so I wasn't sure in what to do.

She lifted her head,looking at me with teary eyes. "you're really strong Sho"

at that moment i just wanted to lean in and..

Y/n's POV:

"you're really strong Sho",I sobbed,I grabbed a napkin from the table and wiped my eyes.

I look so stupid right now. His past was even more traumatic than mine. I can't believe how much he has suffered. Is this the reason why he's so cold? Is this the reason why he doesn't  talk much.

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