Chapter 2: The Wedding Reception

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Corrana's wedding turned out beautifully, and now was the reception at the guild hall, a place that Rocky had been to plenty of times.

Currently, she was alone, chatting with Elyon about potential suitors, as she had been single for far too long and would like to be married someday.

"What about the tall Winchester, over at the bar with Corrana and Freed?" Elyon asked.

"I don't think so." Rocky stated, "He seems to not be interested and only cares about Pandora and his brother."

"Still, My Lady, why don't you give it a shot?"

"You've been saying that for the past three suitors we talked about. And can we get that blond high school boy away from me, please? He's too young and deserves the girl talking to his classmates."

"You mean Tamaki?"

"Yes, him."


After a while, Rocky was at the bar, a glass of wine in front of her. She heard somebody sit next to her, so she glanced over to see the tall Winchester, Sam. They struck up some small talk over some hunting semantics and stories. Rocky with her life as the Queen's owl, and Sam with his life with Pandora and Dean.

Soon enough, they were hitting it off quite well. Rocky was actually laughing, progressively drinking more wine by the hour.

"KISS ALREADY!" they heard Corrana and Freed shout.

Sam's face instantly turned red, and Rocky's mood went back to stoic and emotionless.


After a while, Rocky could feel a tingling in her back. She got up and made it seem like she was using the restroom, but instead she bolted out the door, blacking out after being a foot away from the guild.

When she regained consciousness, she saw the massacre in front of her.

"Elyon, it happened again." she mumbled, summoning her demon maid.

The maid was immediately by her side, "Would you like a new outfit, My Lady?"

"Please, I'm covered in blood."

Elyon, with her abilities, got Rocky changed and sent her back to the drunken guild hall, noticing the married couple went missing.

"Where did they-?"

A loud noise emerged from the room upstairs, answering Rocky's question.


Sam approached her at her table, but this time, she was more focused on what happened with the tethered possession.

"Hey, you okay?"

"I'm fine." Rocky answered, running her finger around the rim of her glass.

"Are you sure?"

"I said I'm fine." she grouched.

Sam sighed and left her alone. But still stood by her, as if observing her. She took a sip of her wine, and looked at him.

"Is there a problem?" she asked, her accent overpowering the conditioned American accent she had previously.

She noticed his ears turn pink, he cleared his throat.

"No, I just...I wanted to talk."

"Alright," she continued to speak in her accent, "what about? Actually, I have a topic, multiple types of possessions."

Sam tilted his head, "Uh, okay."

Rocky sighed, pulling her hand to her shoulder as she outright speaks of the topic at hand, "Tethered possession is a pain."


"The demon in question leaves a mark on their victim, so even after death, they can still take over and kill people."

"How is it a pain?"

"At the moment, I have no idea of any known cure, so I have to kill the demon's victim. An innocent person dies because of a demon, I..."

She trails off, biting her lip slightly, "I don't think it's fair."

Sam placed his hand on top of hers, causing her to flinch, then relax.

"Sorry, I'm just not used to kind gestures." she says, smiling weakly.

"You have nothing to apologize for." he simply says to her, "But I agree with you, a tethered possession doesn't seem fair. You want the demon gone, not the victim."

Rocky huffs out a short chuckle, allowing Sam to hold her hand. She took a small sip of her wine, Sam watching as the red liquid passed through her red tinted lips. His mind began to race, and he knew Pandora was probably reading him like a book.

From the other side of the room, Pandora was giggling to herself.

"He's into her." she thought to herself.

"We're thinking the same thing, right?" Dean asked the blonde woman.

"Yes, we are Deanie."

Back to Rocky, she signaled Mira for another glass of wine, continuing to talk to Sam.

"Can I be honest with you?" she asked.

"Are you going to tell me why you changed dresses?"

Rocky paused, removing her hand from his hold, "All I did was spill wine on myself," she fibbed.

He gave her a look, saying that he didn't believe her. But he didn't press her for the truth, instead, letting her be honest.

"I haven't really spoken to a man while feeling this comfortable." she stared at the table, tapping her nails against the glass.

He tilted his head, his hair falling in a way that tugged at her heart strings.

"I mean," she sighed, "I'm so used to Ciel and Alois and their bullshit, Sebastian and Claude are demons so I don't really care. My servants around my manor are all female."

He took her hand again, stroking his thumb over the back of her hand, making her brain short circuit from the positive affection.

"The only interaction I've ever had with a man was my father and-"

"You don't have to explain," he exhaled out, giving her a soft smile, "I completely understand. I've only been around my brother and some other dudes before we met Pandora."

She looked at him, his eyes sincere and almost puppy-like. There was a feeling in her heart that was unfamiliar, but she refused to let it be known.


After the reception, everybody went home, the next day being Corrana's birthday. Rocky went to bed that night, knowing that Corrana was going to have a great birthday.

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