Chapter 1: Awoken

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She laid in a hospital gown, fast asleep. A woman with light brown hair sits next to her, watching over her with a keen eye.

Her mistress must be protected at all costs.

Though her mistress was almost the oldest Noble known to the Queen's nobility, that did not stop her mistress' determination to find out who murdered her family.

First her parents were killed in front of her during the Phantomhive fire, then her sisters, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and one cousin were all shot and killed in the local park. Finally her beloved aunt Clara had taken her own life after finding out her daughter, Myra, was shot and killed by some horrible heathens.

Rocky was alone.

She was tortured and abused by many; cults, an incubus and succubus, even a gang of rogue mages.

But she contacted Elyon, and a contract was born.

Hidden beneath a black, lace glove laid the contract on Rocky's right hand. Elyon's copy on the left hand of the demon maid.

A soft knock echoed throughout the hospital room, Elyon's senses kicked in, alerting her that the company outside the door was safe. She opened the door and a brown haired girl around Rocky's age stood before her, accompanied by a man with long, lime green hair, Ciel Phantomhive and Sebastian, a man with dirty blonde hair accompanied by a woman with long blonde hair, and a girl around eighteen with dyed blue hair.

"Elyon." breathed out the brown haired girl.

Elyon recognized this girl as Corrana NightOwl and immediately hugged the girl. To Corrana, this was normal, but to the others it seemed like Corrana was suffocating.

"Nice to see you again, Elyon, but please let go of me."

The demon maid let go, smiling in joy, Sebastian knew Elyon well enough to understand that even though she's a contracted demon, she still feels human emotion. His crimson eyes met her forest green pupils, causing a small red tint to form on her cheeks.

Corrana walked over to the hospital bed, gazing at her friend who lay in the plain colored hospital gown.

The purple haired girl's senses were awake, but she knew she had to let her body sleep.

But when she heard the voice of her best friend, she woke up.

"I'm here, Rocky."

The purple haired girl opened her eyes, the lightning yellow sheen slightly glimmered before awakening into a brighter hue. Rocky sat up and gazed around the room before her eyes landed on Corrana. Without either girl saying a word, both girls pulled each other into a tight embrace. Their eyes filling with tears as they had finally reunited.

Without moving her mouth, Corrana spoke to Rocky through her mind.

"How was the apocalypse?"

"Terrible, absolutely terrible. You have no idea how much death I've seen after each day went by, Corrana. It was truly terrible."

The young Phantomhive boy approached the two, without saying a word, he was also pulled into the embrace. Ciel had worked with Rocky in the past, he even considered her a close friend, but when she hadn't returned from her case three years ago, he assumed the worst.

But she was here, she's alive, and all is well.

The man with dirty blonde hair leaned over and whispered to the woman with long blonde hair, "Should we let them have their moment?"

The woman whispered back, "We should, we'll head back to the motel Sammy checked us in to."

The two then headed to the elevator in the hospital that led them to the ground level, they went on their way to the motel where another man awaited their arrival.

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