Chapter 4: They Know

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A few months had gone by since the birthday party, Corrana found out she was pregnant. So she and Freed made their way over to Bobby's place in Sioux Falls to tell Pandora, Sam, and Dean the news.

Rocky was already there, having sensed some news was about to be addressed, she grabbed Elyon and went straight over, beating the mage to the house.

Rocky knocked on the door and was immediately face to face with Pandora.

"Rocky! So good to see you!" she happily exclaimed.

"Hi, may we come in?"

"Oh yeah! Of course!" Pandora then turned to the side and hollered, "BOBBY! YOU GOT TWO MORE GUESTS!"

"SONOFABITCH!" the old man shouted before appearing before the doorway, "Who in the hell-"

He paused when he saw Rocky and Elyon. Something in his mind made him reach his hand towards his gun, catching Rocky's attention.

"WOAH! No no! Not me! I'm not a demon!" she immediately started defending herself.

"Then what in hell's name-"

"Oh, hey Rocky!" Sam greeted with a heart-melting smile.

Bobby looked at the tall man, then back to Rocky, then back to Sam, "You know this yellow eyed woman?!"

"Yeah, she's Pandora and Corrana's friend." Sam confusingly responded before grabbing a book.

"And you idjits didn't care to tell me that she's got the eyes of a demon?!"

"Calm down, Bobby," Pandora put a hand on her hip, "Azazel's dead."

"I know that!" Bobby shouted, making Rocky flinch.

Sam, Bobby and Pandora immediately locked eyes on Rocky, "What happened?"

Rocky shrugged, "I flinched?"

"But why?" Pandora asked, her tone becoming stoic and calculated.

"Someone put their hands on ya?" Bobby asked.

"Is shouting a trigger for you?" Sam asked, concern filling his gorgeous hazel eyes.

Rocky shook her head, "Calm down, all of you. No, shouting isn't a trigger for me. Nobody will ever put their hands on me ever again. And no I will not explain why."

She pushed some hair out of her face, "Now can we please come inside?"

Sam's eyes softened before taking a step back, allowing more space as Bobby and Pandora also moved. Elyon took the first step inside and immediately, Rocky followed. Their steps calm and calculated, Rocky's eyes traced every corner and every open space in her sight to ensure there were no traps.

Suddenly, a hand on her shoulder made her jump, her elbow swinging down to attack whoever startled her, but her attempt was met with her wrist getting grabbed and her back against the wall as she was awkwardly face to face with Sam. Her arm pinned above her head as his body was practically pressed against hers.

Rocky's face burned beet red at the situation they were in, Sam's grip loosened.

"I..." he cleared his throat before letting go and backing up entirely, "I was going to tell you that there aren't any traps in here, Bobby has demon wards all over the place."

"Keeps them fuckers out." Bobby grumbled as he walked past them.

Rocky moved her arm back down to her side, readjusting the lace glove over her hand, "Works on keeping your demons out. Elyon, however, not so much."

Rocky turned and continued towards a couch, where she sat next to Elyon and rested her head against the maid's shoulder, exhausted from the journey.

Upon Bobby entering the room, he started asking questions.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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