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He left you standing there like a complete idiot. You shook your head and couldn't help wondering if you somehow ended up in hell. Why was he like that? How could a person change so much? You thought he was the shy one of the group but apparently, you were wrong because this wasn't shy behavior, this was just rude and this was just day one. You walked into your room and sat down on the bed, this was going to be pure torture, and the fact that you let him see that you thought he was handsome. "Lord save me," you mumbled as you let yourself fall back.

The next morning, you were slightly confused. You had been sleeping deep and you were startled when your mother shook you awake. "Oh my god, I'm late for school aren't I?" you jumped out of bed and were already grabbing your clothes when you heard a male chuckle "Are you always like this in the morning?" You were just blinking at him, as he was speaking in Korean. It took you a few minutes to fully understand him. "Is she always like this?" he asked your mother who shook her head.

"Usually she's already up, taking care of Dylan." Jungkook moved closer and stopped when he was right in front of you. "Did you sleep well?" you looked him in the eyes and nodded and that's when he smiled his bunny smile, which made you pinch yourself, this he noticed so now you were literally screwed. You were awake now, wide awake and you immediately remembered what had happened yesterday and as Jungkook grabbed your hand he started to pull you with him. "We made breakfast," he said and he was still speaking in Korean and because you were just awake you had some trouble understanding him but you had to follow him as he pulled you along. You stepped into the kitchen and were surprised to see the table set and the smell that hung in the room made your mouth water. You ruffled Dylan's hair and sat down when Jungkook moved the chair back. He sat down at the other side next to your mother and as everyone started to eat, you helped your brother like always, you could feel Jungkook's eyes on you the entire time and you had never felt so uncomfortable but it wasn't per se in a bad way.

"Jungkook? When we're going to school, I need to warn you. The teacher insists on you speaking English and he won't ever say your last name first. I hope you don't mind that?" you asked him as you put a piece of toast in your mouth but he just smiled. "It's okay. This way I will be treated like a normal kid right?" you nodded because that was totally the case. "Also I have you to help me out, right?"

"Of course, I will always be here to help out except for when I'm playing a gig."

"So those are your instruments in your room?" you cocked your head slightly and just stared at him. "Of course they're mine." you gave him a smile and suddenly you just felt more at ease. If he acted normal then you felt fine but whenever she switched to his "international playboy" side, it was just too much to handle and you were afraid of how he was going to react to the girls at school. He better not flirts with any of them because he would get in trouble not only with his company but also with you. "What do you play?"

"I play piano, guitar, and drums." you were actually really proud of your musical skills. You could also compose and produce songs. "Really the drums?" you nodded after swallowing the food. "I told you I'm in a band right? Well I'm the drummer and sometimes I also sing." you know your mother was sitting there quietly as she observed you to and you knew she was going to lecture you about the fact that you couldn't date Jungkook. "I want to learn how to drum, I need to beat Yoongi Hyung, can you maybe teach me?"

"I probably can." you were hesitating but you also didn't want to be rude. You just had to explain it later to your mother before she was going to throw a fit. "Daebak." he smiled and you couldn't help but smile back. "Y/N, maybe you should get dressed now and show Jungkook the neighborhood." This surprised you because you thought she was freaking out about the chemistry between Jungkook and you but looking at this she didn't seem to have a problem. "I know what you're thinking sweetheart but I'm not worried, just have fun." you nodded and got up excusing yourself.

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