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"What? No, I."

"You don't like what you see?"

"I'm not sure if I have to feel offended by this." you were bright red by now you knew this for sure. This was really embarrassing and the second he put his hands on the buttons of his jeans, you literally ran away. What in the world was happening here? You had a feeling that he was sent here because of a girl, just by the way he was acting towards you, well it showed he knew exactly what he was doing. One thing was certain you had to ignore it because that was one of the conditions, you could not date an exchange student but if he was going to be like that, it was going to be hard.

You put dinner on the table and put Dylan in his chair, which was slightly higher than the other ones, you had to call Jungkook but was dreading this but as a host, you had to include him in everything. "Jungkook, dinner is ready."

"I thought I smelled something delicious." You smiled because the guy who was flirting had disappeared and in front of you was a guy full of aegyo, it was a completely different side and confusing as hell. "I made kimchi fried rice," you told him shyly because it was probably not as good as it was in Korea but his eyes lit up when you mentioned kimchi. "Really, now I really need to taste it." He took a seat next to Dylan who was still studying him. "What is your name?" Jungkook asked in English but you could tell he felt a bit unsure about it but Dylan smiled happily at him. "Dylan and I am four." he showed the number on his hand and Jungkook chuckled. "Daebak, four years already." You couldn't help but smile at him for being so sweet with Dylan, who was definitely curious about the strange guy but he was just studying him. "Do you want something to drink with dinner?" you asked him in English and you appreciated it that he was listening intensely.

"I love some cola," he said again in English. He was really trying and as you turned back around to take it, you heard him typing on his phone. "Jungkook, we, uh, we don't use our phones during dinner." you hated this part but it was a rule that your mother made, as you stopped talking, your mother didn't like that and made the rule. "Ah really? Why?"

"Well uh, we like to discuss our day during dinner and you can't do that whilst chatting with someone else."

"I can though."

"No you can't and that's okay but we just don't want a phone at the dinner table." You saw his expression change from nice to annoyed but he did put away the phone. "Okay, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, really."

"Is there a penalty for when you do use it." you looked at the blue jar, which was on the countertop. "You have to pay five dollars, this doesn't only counts for using your phone at the table, it's also for swearing." He looked at the jar and his mouth twitched in amusement. "Seems like you swear a lot." He wasn't wrong though because you did swear a lot and it was mostly your money but he didn't need to know that. "It's not only my money." you tried to lie but you forgot one important factor.

"Yes, it is," Dylan said in a bright voice as if he was proud that he outed you. "Yah, Dylan." Jungkook chuckled at this and ruffled Dylan's hair. "Is there also a penalty for lying?" he said in Korean and you had to listen carefully to understand it and the second he saw your face, he put a hand in front of his mouth. "I'm sorry."

"Oh it's okay really, I can understand you, I just have to listen, when you speak in Korean." you smiled at him as you put his plate in front of him. You also grabbed a can with cola and put it next to his plate. Dylan had also fried rice only not spicy because you really didn't want him to get an upset stomach. You sat down and even without looking up, you could feel him stare at you, it wasn't really uncomfortable but it was just a bit intense because you were a fan of him, which reminded you suddenly of something, your room was covered in posters and since yesterday you had added some BTS posters, these you stole from Sophie. "Ah shit." you jumped up and Dylan started to clap in his hands even Jungkook looked up surprised with a smirk plastered on his face. "Let's pretend you didn't hear that."

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