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The next day you were running around making sure Dylan was fed, clothed, and taken to daycare as your mother had to work. It was also because you hadn't been able to sleep thanks to a certain person, who was driving you completely crazy. He didn't only haunt you during the day but now he showed up in your dreams as well and if the dreams would be innocent then you could sleep but sadly they were not innocent at all. "Y/N, can I?" you looked up to see Dylan watching you from the table, he was a smart kid and as he was studying you, he was smiling. You quickly finished his breakfast and walked over "Why are you smiling?" you ruffled his hair before you sat down.

"Just because." he shrugged and as he ate his breakfast, you leaned your head on your hand and just stared. You couldn't help but think about Jungkook without his shirt, it still made you curious as to the reason why BigHit would've sent him here, and hopefully he would share it with you when you get to know each other better but now you really weren't in the position to ask him, now it would just be rude. "I'm done." you heard Dylan mumble and as you looked up he was actually looking at you with his head slightly tilted and it was really cute. "Let's get you ready for daycare then." you clapped in your hands and lifted him from his chair and quickly helped him brush his teeth and did his hair in a nice way when there was a knock on the bathroom door.

"Come in," you said realizing Jungkook had been looking for you, he just peeped his head through the crack of the door. "Do you need help with anything?" you thought about it but Dylan smiled broadly. "Do you want to come with us?"

"Where are you two going?" he opened the door and you had to gulp when you saw him shirtless again. He must sleep without a shirt and his hair looked so cute like this. He noticed you staring at his hair and he chuckled. "I just woke up." he quickly explained and you just nodded staring at his chest, which he noticed making him chuckle. "So where are we going?" you realized that he asked twice by now and that made you even more flustered. "Ah, we're going to the Daycare."

"Really, I will hurry." he left the room, and within ten minutes he was ready to go. He was wearing sweats, a white shirt, and his timberlands and a hat to hide his disheveled hair. "Let's go!" You wanted to give Dylan your hand but he already took Jungkook's hand who was looking at you a bit apologetic but you found it cute so for this time you just let him be when Dylan suddenly grabbed your hand as well and you know very well how this looked. The people who walked by you gave you a look that said it all. You tried to pry your hand out of Dylan's but he actually put some strength in his small hand, which surprised you, not that it actually could hold you back but he must really want to hold your hand if he even put a bit more force behind it. You felt Jungkook staring at you as you were fighting an inward battle but the moment your eyes met and he smiled, you knew it was ridiculous to even feel embarrassed about this. "Jungkook will you sing me a song?" you were surprised, to say the least, that Dylan knew that Jungkook could sing.

"Okay." and as he started to sing one of Bieber's songs, you couldn't help but stare at him because again you were blown away by how good he was at singing but the fact that he kept singing Bieber songs, was annoying you. "JK, can't you sing a song of someone else?"


"I like his songs but it's all I've heard you sing, what about a Shawn Mendes song?" He pulled up an eyebrow but he did what you asked him and when he started to sing "mercy" you had to sing along, which made Dylan laugh especially when he put on the dramatics. You arrived safely at the daycare and Dylan didn't even wait before running inside, which was the best thing ever because usually he was protesting but thanks to Jungkook's cheery mood, he didn't even hesitate once. "Dylan, we will be back at three okay?" you yelled after him and he just waved cutely at you when Jungkook suddenly put his arm around your shoulders. "So what now?" you shook his arm off and pointed at the old building at the end of the street.

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