When We First Met

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Sofia's Pov: I scurried down the school hallways trying to find a bathroom, I wasn't paying much attention to anything or anyone which wasn't very clever because I almost walked into a pole. My phone began to vibrate and I was still rushing through the corridors and replying to my mum's messages and that's when I lost the plot. I walked into somebody or maybe something, I wasn't too sure it was quite a firm thing. All my books had dropped onto the floor as well as my phone, I got onto my knees to pick up all my things and that's when I saw a lingering shadow kneel down next to me. I looked up to see the same guy i'd seen in class this morning.
"Oh hello, sorry for bumping into you I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking", I said in a whispered tone embarrassed. He looked at me and I became lost in his ocean blue eyes.
"That's okay, my name's Mateo I didn't get yours?"
I looked up at him knowing what his intentions with me are and told him my name is Sofia, he smirked and helped me up .
"So dinner tonight?" he said grinning.
I think he expected me to say yes and i'm not an easy catch, plus I knew who he was he's the 'school heartbreaker',I want my first high school love to be real and i'm not going to give in this easily.
"No", I said clearly.
He looked shocked as I was the first girl to ever reject him, why would I even want to be with someone like him? He's not worth it.
"Ok how about the cinema?" Mateo asked whilst glaring into my eyes.
"I said no Mateo"
"What do I have to do to get you to go out with me?" he said as he began to corner me into the lockers.
"The only reason you want me is because i'm fresh meat and i've become a new challenge for you to fuck and then leave, you're a player Mateo get over yourself!"
He looked at me and grinned, why was he grinning at that, this obviously meant i'm not wrong. He pulled me in by the waist and I didn't hesitate, leaning down to my ear he whispered,
"All you've done is make me want you even more"
I rolled my eyes and tried to get away but he stopped me, pulling me in even closer he then whispered,
"You'll be mine soon, I can promise you that sweetheart."
He let go of me and I slowly walked away, as I looked back he smirked and that was how we first met.

Okayyy I actually think this is going well so far, i'm going to try publish one chapter a day :)

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