Chapter 6

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                 A (f/c) moon shines on Y/n in pain while the gang watch in horror. "Y/N!!" yelled Willy but  when he was trying to save her, the beam wouldn't let him go near or be by her. The others try to do the same but it did the same with them too. "It's like a force field!" exclaiming  Siren Sara. " This worst than fighting that janitor back at our place!" exclaimed Tito. Everyone shudders by that comment. "Please, don't remain us of that terrible person! He's the one who almost choke me to death" said Cammy. "I've got more problems to deal with!!" exclaimed Willy. Suddenly, a sonic red boom hit the forest, sending everyone to hit the ground hard. The (f/c) moon was changing Y/n by giving her animals insists like ears, fur, tail, and paws. And by the sight of her, she was a

       (F/H/C)! ( Favorite horror creature) Her skin/fur was dark (f/c) color and razor sharp fangs and claws.Everyone was scared by the sight of her while she snarling and charging towards them. "Please, ceature or y/n? Eat the tallest one!" said Arty. "Hey!!" said Willy and Siren Sara. Y/n went to Gus and Ozzie first then walk off, they both let their breath. She went to Tito and Arty second with them holding on to each other but she did the same. She went Cammy, Kinghty, and Siren Sara but you know the same too. When she reach to Willy, she started chasing at him fast and that got him running around the place. While others was just watching in shocked, Arty was snickering his head off. Tito was looking him with annoying look on his face and elbows him in the stomach. "What? You have to admit it's funny." said Arty. "Yeah, right" said Tito. "All though, I have to admit you are kinda cute" whisper Arty looking at him. " Wait, What?" said Tito confused. "I SAID NOTHING" said Arty with a blush across his face. "Yeah, right lover boy"said Ozzie. "Zip it or else I'll break your beak" scowled Arty. And Ozzie just back away from him.Then y/n pounce on Willy taking him down and putting herself on top of him (don't be dirty, readers) with him blushing furiously, she growling and she was taking him back to the campsite. (F/H/C) y/n hugs him closely then sleep. The gang looks at Willy mouthing "help me" then Kinghty said "Um, should we help him?". "Nah, he's good.Let's just sleep" said Arty. Then Willy just gives him the death for the rest of the night.


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