Chapter 4

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(pic of Parker's tattoo on the side)


"Um, so you are the guy that sent them to kidnap me, you know that is illegal right?" I asked the bald guy in the wheelchair.

'I'm sorry that we had to take you in, in these circumstances but it was necessary as the Brotherhood is on your trail. But you seemed to get here much quicker than expected" He explained as Storm, Ben, Azhar and Daniel started to go over to him.

"Firstly, who is the Brotherhood and secondly when are you going to take these damn shackles off! You seem to be aware how the cold affects me and these shackles are freezing. Oh and getting here so soon was all me", I said smirking.

"Well the Brotherhood is a group of mutants that want to have you in their team. It is led by Magneto and he would like to use you for your abilities so he could attack and kill as many people as he wanted with no one to stop him." Xavier replied.

"You didn't answer my second question." I remarked. Logan, who was sitting beside me, chuckled.

"Well, if we can trust that the moment that we take the shackles off that you won't go AWOL and run off, and then I will get Logan to release you. We don't want Magneto to get you" Xavier answered.

I scoffed," Of course I won't run, if I did freeze time to get away I would probably go looking for the kitchen, take a shower, wash my clothes and then take my time and go somewhere tropical,"

Logan, Bobby and Ben cracked up while the rest just stared at me.

"You have a point. You wouldn't need to run but anywhere you go we can find you." Xavier replied.

"Because that's not stalkerish," I muttered.

"I'm sorry if that sounds creepy but Magneto is hot on your trail and acquiring you would result in disaster for the whole world." Xavier explained.

"You are safe here Parker. We wouldn't let the Brotherhood get to you. They would hurt you until they got you to do what they wanted you to do." Ororo said speaking up finally.

"Ah, ok then, I guess I will stay for a bit." I said cracking finally. Xavier smiled and nodded at Logan who then produced a key and unlocked the shackles. I stood up rubbing my wrists and walked down the ramp. Bobby and Azhar then proceeded to move a few meters away from me as if they were scared that I would drain their life force from them. I smiled at them while cocking my head to the side and Xavier noticed at their efforts to get out of my reach and laughed.

"Boys, I don't think that Parker would take your time energy away, would you Parker?" he asked.

"I wouldn't drain them Professor, you can count on that. But if Bobby did freeze me again and I was feeling particularly hungry I don't think that I would be able to stop myself." I teased trying my best to look sincere. With that everyone but Bobby laughed as he looked uncomfortable and shifted further away from me.

"Well then Parker I think that you will fit in just fine. Ororo will take you to your room and make sure that you are settled in as well as possible." Xavier informed as he wheeled to the door with a whirring sound. "Logan, I would like to see you in my office after you get cleaned up. I take it that, that is your blood on your shirt." Logan grunted in agreement and walked over to the door with the rest of us in suit.

-------------------- (Le time skip a few minutes) -------------------

Logan turned off down a corridor as the rest of us kept walking. A girl with brown hair and a white streak called out to Bobby and he went to join her. The other three boys said that they were going to the kitchen so they left and eventually it was just me and Storm.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2015 ⏰

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