Chapter 1

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HI hope you like the story! Italics mean that the character is thinking and pic on side is Parker.


"Got that freak flow, freak show! Welcome to the service!" I yelled, slash sang over the top of the thumping music, that was turned up to the max on my brand new speakers. Freaks was playing as I was doing my strange jumping and spinning dance. As soon as the lyrics left my mouth I heard foot steps.

"Um, I thought she would be older." A man's voice said. I turned and saw two men standing by the door. One looked about 17. He had kind green eyes and red hair that feel in waves. He was wearing jeans and a black shirt. I shall call him red, I thought to my self. The other man was taller and had the build of a pro wrestler. He looked about 39 or somewhere around there. He had black hair and a gruff looking beard. He was wearing a white plain tank top and jeans.

"Look we are not here to hurt you so don't feel threatened by us," Red calmly said. I stared at him wondering how I couldn't feel threatened by their presence.

"We can help you and take you away from all the normal humans so you don't have to hide," Red said. He was like the calming energy and Gruff looked like the feral animal he was trying to tame. I wanted to see who they were, what they were. So I stopped time.

Yes, that's one of my amazing powers. I can stop time everywhere and anywhere I choose. When I do that I can pick and choose who and what comes with me but nothing can hurt me when I do. It is very complicated to explain my powers but I will try. I can stop and start time, I can fast forward, slow motion and reverse people and myself. The most deadly of my powers though is the ability to steal time from people and things. By stealing time I mean taking years, seconds, days, months etcertera etcertera, from peoples lives. For example when I touch a person I can sense how much time they have to live and if I am feeling 'hungry' I can take as much time off of their lives as I want and give it to myself making me basically immortal because of my awesome power. Time essentially fuels me and if I need fuel like when I am injured, sick or weak I can't control how much time I take off which could kill people. If they experience death at my hands it is painless and quick. I can choose to kill if I want to though by taking time away. Time keeps me youthful for a reason that I don't know but I have tried to figure out. So basically I control time.

I walked over to the now frozen men and touched them. Red had about 85 years left which was good for him. Gruff though confused me. I couldn't sense how long he had left. So I took some time off of him. It was only a day but after I didn't feel a change. Sure I had a day longer but it seemed as if he had grown the day back. I took off a year and the same thing happened. After the tenth year I had taken I realized he was immortal. He's like a free all you can eat buffet that never ends! I thought excitedly. So I went nuts and took about a century off and then went to my room to change out of my pajamas.

After standing back where I stood when I stopped time I restarted it. The men were silent when they saw me. Red looked terrified and Gruff looked slightly uncomfortable. I snickered at them watching them piece together what I had done.

"So you stopped time. Did you take time from anyone of us?" Red said losing his aura of calm.

"Don't worry I didn't take time from you, you will live for a very long time yet. I can't say the same for your friend though. Did you know he is immortal?" I replied. Gruff looked a little bit worried but Red looked relived. "So why are you here. I don't like surprise visitors" I continued.

"Well we are here to get you to come with us. I'm Daniel and this is Logan and we won't hurt you." Daniel said gesturing. Logan was looking at me like he was trying to judge how much trouble I would be.

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