Super-Zero:pt5 Actions

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Hey reader Author here these next three-five chapters are going to be pretty crazy compared to the last one's so stay ready. Also I think that I'm going to start just pushing these out (pause) when I can until I can come up with a schedule to stick to, it will not be any more than a month late tops but sometimes i'll upload once or twice a week, sometimes once a month point is i'm gonna start uploading whenever until I come up with a schedule. Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy it. Oh yeah also also im going to be doing a new dialogue style that i've seen others do cuz i like it more... -_- (also last LAST thing so in the beginning of this story I said that venom was the symbiote so like I'm retconning that because that's too meh for me SO yeah ok enjoy)

(Symbiote Pov)

I open my eyes, or rather this human's eyes so that I can better brace myself for the landing as I try to cover my face. I crash into a nearby icy ledge before ricishaying off of that and continue my plummet to the ground. The wind pushing against my face would be calming if not for the situation I am currently in. As I make it closer and closer to the ground.........

( (Y/K) Pov)

I shoot awake with sweat practically drenching my shirt and hair. I look around swiftly panting and searching for..........something, I then look at the window and suddenly I feel the urge to move. Eventually that urge takes complete control over my body and I become covered in a slimy type substance once again, As I rush to the window I open it and jump out covering a surprising amount of distance, I wonder why I don't pass out or become more scared like I usually would, like I did the first time this happened. Maybe this power isn't so bad it actually.....feels good, I feel good, I feel strong, I feel Alive. How was I able to live without this before now, I shoul.....wait this isn't me is it. is this who I am,

Symbiote: no it's who I am, You are just a vessel for which I shall use to suite my needs nothing more nothing less, NOW SHUT UP AND LET ME THINK DAMN YOU

This sudden jolt of aggression and anger throws me off balance causing me to crash into the streets below. Weirdly enough though I quickly regain my lost balance and do a quick flip to regain my balance before returning to swinging through the skies. As I finally land on the side of a building I slightly panic and grab at my face to tear off this "mask".....or at least try to until it feels like the weight of a full grown man is on my arm and causes my arm to fall back down to my side. So I instead go on top of the building, then I try again to take off the mask however at that point I lose complete control over my what I thought until my body tries to go back to swinging and I cause myself to trip and stop myself. Gaining my sense again out of nowhere I start to scream for help


I get cut off before I can continue my plea for help.

Symbiote: SHUT UP, (there's a pause) you'll attract attention if you continue to do this.


Before I can continue my screams I am completely silenced as my surroundings go black and presumably get knocked unconscious.

Anthony POV:

Ant: so yeah i'll be home as soon as I can sir i'll see you when I get there

Anthony's Dad(because I haven't come up with a name): Okay Anthony just make sure you can explain to your mother why you had to miss another meeting

Ant: Yes Father.

That's the last thing I say before hanging up concluding the conversation. As I look up however I bump into a girl who seems a bit airheaded. I regain my composure and begin a conversation

Ant: "ummm sorry that's on me are you ok"

Girl: "no no that's on me I should be the one apologizing" She says still not having made eye contact yet clearly trying to hide her face.

Before I can even apologize further she makes a B-line to the nearest sidewalk leaving me standing alone.

Ant: "well that was weird" I say confused. As I continue the walk to my Father and Mother's house I begin to notice some "noises", and wanting nothing to do with I head the other way (like any smart person would.....but I need to move the plot forward sooooo) as I leave the other way I hear........(Y/K)'s voice, this causes me to stop in my tracks and turn around with hesitation. "(Y/K) is that you bud" I say, my voice shaking a bit, as I make it a bit closer to what I assume to be my friend's voice. I am then greeted with a Horrific sight...........

( (Y/K) Pov)

Struggling to even move I try to get up from the floor as it feels like a magnet is pulling me to the floor. I manage to make it to my knees and am greeted with the last thing I want to see right now.............Anthony

Anthony: "HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!" Anthony yells as he falls down but quickly scrambles to his feet trying to run away.

I then hear the dreadful voice again

Symbiote: "FEEEEEEEDDD..... Sooooooo HUNGRY"

These words make my stomach turn as I immediately put together what this Parasite is trying to convey. This thing is going to eat my friend, this thing is going to kill and eat Anthony. I then begin to fight harder than I ever have before, TRY harder than I ever have before. Sadly the thing has already ensnared Anthony in its slimy tendral like trap. As I hear the screams of horror come from the person who I grew up with I get my second wind and begin to slowly lift my arm. I think of something, ANYTHING sharp and my hand transforms into a makeshift axe which I use to immediately bring down on my other arm to which I feel something shoot out from my back and pull me to the nearest wall. The amount of speed I'm going through the air is enough to slam me through the wall and into a house to which I see an elderly couple and my heart drops as I remember the creature's words "feed, hungry" Whatever this thing is it eats humans. As the elderly couple look at me in complete shock I see the older man stand in front of his wife with his chest trying to act as tough as possible even though the fear on his face is clearly visible. Before I can do anything to hurt them I dig my monster like hands into the ground and let out a monstrous roar giving them time to escape. I try to use "my" claws to try and rip and tear this thing off me with little success. As I use what little strength I have left to jump out of the building and onto another rooftop to which I see a building that I feel strangely attracted to and as the suit makes another tendral to swing from I completely black out my surroundings becoming a blur.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNDDdd there's the cliffhanger yes I waited over like 3 weeks for a cliffhanger your welcome anyway I am very happy with how this chapter turned out so I hope you enjoyed but like I am really tired rn so byeeeeee....... :0

(Discontinued) (Rewrite Soon) Super Zero (A Male Reader Marvel Universe Insert)Where stories live. Discover now