Chapter 16: Safeguard

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My eyes are still wide from pure shock, in the moment I hadn't fully realized the scale of destruction left by my battle, now that it was being taped and reported it truly shook me to my core,
"All those people" I whisper to myself as the city's of Manhattan, New York city, and now Brooklyn had been reduced to ruble and chaos. The podcast goes to static before turning back on and showing a news anchor
"With this figures current coarse he seems to be headed for Queens next" Almost instinctively the symbiote forms around my body as I remember my family and friends live there, Spider-Man jumps out the window without a word so fast I could barley see him leave. I jump out the same window flipping mid air and shooting a tendril out to mimick his movements, after a few moments i mange to catch up to him.
"Guessing you have family in Queens too" I say my voice trembling at the thought of what may happen enters my mind once more. Spider-Man merely ignores my question as to assume he's to focused on his current objective whatever that may be.

After what feels like hours we finally make it to a familiar part of Queens, I continue on my path towards my house and Spider-Man takes a detour leaving me by myself, I firstly make my way to my house. I grab my phone from somewhere in the suit and dial Anthony's number, he almost immediately picks up in a frantic voice.
"Y/N!?!?! Where have you been, I've called you like a billion times have yo-" I cut him off
"Ant I don't have time, I need you to call a ride our of the city Right now, get your family out too, there's a super powered asswhole coming here and he's gonna destroy the city" I say very fast, there is a short pause before he responds
"Yeah we heard, we're out of the city, we took your mom too, where are you?" he ask.
"I'm uhhhh, in the city" I tell him, he practically yells in my ear
"WHAT!?!? YOU NEED TO GET OUTTA THERE" He exclaims loudly. I reach my window as the suit absorbs the phone once again and the call is cut short. Landing right next to the window and opening it I land in my room and the suit retracts itself from me, I go through my closet trying to find my bags and I pick up the one containing my backpack with my computer and engineering supplies. After a few minutes of packing I grab as much as I need and get out. A huge explosion is heard outside of my window that causes me to cover my ears dropping a few things. I look out the window and see a figure in the sky above a destroyed building.
"Shit, shit, shit" I curse to myself grabbing the bag and stuffing everything into it. I decide to take the back door as to not be seen and the suit surrounds my body again as I launch myself from wall to wall not getting to high as to not be seen. I hear a man screaming for help in the distance, I look back and see a man trapped under a large piece of rubble, with zero thought I jump down and lift the rubble off the man, he thanks me but before I can even respond a voice that truly sends chills up my spine is heard.
"There you are" the voice says. I slowly look up in absolute horror as the masked figure looks down upon me, he rushes towards me fist first, almost like a speeding bullet, I manage to grab the man and jump out to the way however creating some distance, a tendril shoots out my hand as the other holds the man by his coat. The masked man zips right past me and sends his fist into my chest causing me to drop both my backpack goes  and the man, I slam into the ground as the man freefalls, I try to get up but the pain keeps me on my back as I try to recover,  the man makes it closer and closer to the ground before he is caught in a large cobweb, I lightly smile at this as i realize it must be Spider-Man, I hear a thwip as the wall crawler lands close to me helping me onto my feet.
"You okay there" he asks I give him a nod before looking back up to the masked man, he wastes no time and slams back into the ground in front of us and the pure force that caused is enough to send both me and Spider-Man flying, I land in some rubble as I manage yo quickly get up, the man appears in front of me and sends a punch to my face, realizing I don't have anytime tk dodge I decide to block the hit as it completely snaps my wrist, making it go limp and sending me flying back into a building. I land on the hard wooden tiles, I barley manage to get to my knees before the man is once again in front of holding me by the neck.
"Give me the symbiote,  it doesn't belong to you boy" he says staring me down, he eyes a burning red. I kick my legs up wrapping then around his neck and using the momentum to launch him off me into a wall. Multiple tendrils shoot out from my back making their way towards him, he dodges most but one manages to impale his shoulder throwing him back into the wall as the tendrils retract and I jump away trying to find the civilian who fell. Out of nowhere the the man appears behind me and punches me into another building causing the wall the crumble beneath me, he tries to send a second punch but I move just fast enough to not get hit, I then grab his head and with all my might slam it into the building, his head going through the building, I jump off the building and send a tendril back at the building throwing myself to the man again and kicking him through the entire building. Using the time I have I begin to make my way away from the man I hear noises behind me so I turn around to see him once again charging at me, I brace myself by covering my face with my arms as a tendril pulls me out of the air, a line webbing is sent in the face of the man and is slammed into the concrete floor.
"Come on kids play nice" A cheerful voice states, i turn around to see Spider-Man. We both begin making our way away from the man, I turn around as the man is now out of my sight.

(Discontinued) (Rewrite Soon) Super Zero (A Male Reader Marvel Universe Insert)Where stories live. Discover now