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Chapter 26

Jersey's POV

I had a feeling Stiles was out of Eichen House just a feeling. Though I didn't understand it. I somehow also knew that he was in the school this morning. I was a step ahead of him. How, was the main question. What I did know was that I was going to have Chinese for breakfast, candy for lunch, and cereal for dinner.

Without Stiles to make sure I was eating correctly. I found my way back to being in his room eating chicken fried rice on his bed. I looked around and I noticed that somebody probably had cleaned it. I didn't feel right being clean. I wanted to trash it and go haywire but that would be wrong. Right?

After eating half of the rice I left it on his desk because usually, he would eat the other half. Usually. I felt sad remembering the few little things we did that really made up our whole relationship. Oh my God! He's not dead. This feeling is really taking a toll on me. I laid in his bed finding comfort there but it wasn't enough without him beside me or at least in the room.

Surrounded by thoughts I fell asleep. Who knew feelings could be so tiring.


I woke up cozy in Stiles's bed with the blanket tucking me in. I don't remember tucking myself in nor do I remember getting under the blanket. But what hit me was that my food was gone. There was just an empty to-go container on the desk and a sticky note that had a smiley face with a wink on it. Something Stiles would do. I smiled but was interrupted when I heard people coming in. The Argent's, Derek, and Stilinski.

"What are you guys doing here," I asked and they led me back to the table at a chessboard with sticky notes on it. "What is all this? What are these sticky notes for," Argent asked. "This is what Stiles used to explain to me about all of... you," Stilinski said. "Well, maybe it's a message from Stiles. The real Stiles," Allison said. "Nope. This, this is a threat. Ooh and I'm queen," I said smiling.

"Is there any reason why my name is on the king and hers the queen," Derek asked. "Well, you're both heavily guarded but I guess the alarming move is that Derek is one step from being a checkmate," Stilinski said. "Yeah, this is a threat to you guys from the Nogistune. He's at the loft. That's also what it says," I said. "And he wants us to come there," Allison said. "Night's falling," Derek said. "this is sounding more like a trap," Argent said.

"I don't think it is," Stilinski said. "That's because your opinion is slightly biased Sheriff," Argent said. "Hear me out. What we are dealing with here is someone who clearly lacks motive. No motive, no rhyme, no reason. Right," Stilinski said. "Meaning what," Argent said. "Our enemy is not a killer, he's a trickster. The killing is just a byproduct," Stilinski said. "If you're trying to say that it won't kill us, I'm not feeling too confident in that," Derek said.

"You won't want irony. It wants to play a trick, it wants a joke. All we need to do is come up with a new punch line," Stilinski said. "Ya know that is ironic since we are dealing with Stiles here. The king of sarcasm and jokes," I commented. "What do you have in mind," Argent asked.

What Void said to me during our last interaction was starting to make sense. The way Stilinski explained was the exact way I lived for the last 6 years and even before that. I used to do that with my siblings and Peter. I still do it sometimes. It was the good old times.

I got to the loft before everyone else for my own reasons. I didn't walk for him to notice me. I just watched him until the others came. "Hi, Jersey," he said, still facing the window. 

A/N: Short chapter but I'm on a roll. Writing and posting three chapters tonight that were not pre-made/pre-written. 

Jersey Hale (Stiles Stilinski)Where stories live. Discover now