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You guys know I like to do horror right?

Tubbo slide on the ice using it to his advantage, he stopped sliding facing the right way and ran. He heard his attacker slam into the light grey side of the ravine they were in with a roar of frustration, he heard their claws scratch along the ice trying to steady them self.

He had to hide, he knew this ravine had an end that was just sheer cliffs. His eyes scanned the sides as he ran, his pace quickening with fear when he heard the claws find traction again. He slipped into a tiny crack, he knew the creature chasing him couldn't fit into, and shimmed back then waited.

He listened for the cruch of footsteps in the snow they came slower than excepted but he didn't look up he didn't want to get caught. The footsteps stopped and there was silence before he heard the rugged panting. He had to look up and he caught the purple eye, it seemed to perice into his soul, his blood rushed cold as the ice and snow around him. He ran further into the crack hearing the claws scratch the opening wider.

He maded it out the other side on to a cave of snow, it towered over his head, the sun outside light the pocket. At the every back he saw the red and white shirt of his bestfriend, he was standing against the backwalk, he was there to save him he had to be.

He ran to him only to take a step back as his friends body slumped to the floor. His once lively blue eyes were dulled with death, his red and white shirt wasn't red and white it was just red with blood. He looked around the snow cave to see who had done it only to find everyone he cared about slung across the ground as unnatural angles bones broken. At the far left was a feathers that lead to his adopted father, his wings plucked and broken, laid over the boar he thought could never die.

An orange fur trail lead his eyes to the decapitated fox head, a blood trail from the neck lead to the body.

His eyes snapped up from the carnage when the scratching stopped across from him, blocking the exist, stood the only one left alive. The creature that had been chasing him. His friend. His loved one. Ranboo.

He looked sick and twisted, clawed finger tips, eyes glazed over in purple, saliva dripped from his jaw. Ranboo wasn't up right, he was closer to being on all fours, primal, wild, aggressive.

Tubbo sucked in a deep breath, this was it, his end. Ranboo pounced, blood stained fingers going for the throat...


Ranboo shot up in his bed panting, he looked around then sighed. "Just a dream, just a horrible stupid dre-" He looked down at his hands. Red... blood dripping...

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