I Love You

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Sam looked at Ponk, opening and closing his mouth. Ponk wouldn't even look at back. They were focused on the gold god. "Ponk?" Sam finally gets the name out but his one armed love doesn't spare him a glance.

"Ponk... I love you." Sam has to force it out, Ponks' eyes twitch wanting to look but then deciding not to. He understood, why would Ponk want to look at him? Sam the man that had loved him and had hurt him. He'd taken their arm for crying out loud. Sam kneels down behind them.

"I know you don't love me anymore... I know I'm the reason. I understand but please Ponk..." He trails off not knowing what he's asking for, not sure why he's pleading. Ponk swallows, Adam's apple bobbing in their throat, but he doesn't look. "I just wanted to tell you. Just to make it clear." Sam tries to explain knowing it wouldn't help.

Nothing could help this situation. He had done the worst and deserved to pay. "Sam." He perks up at Ponks' voice. "You need to wake up."

"What?" Sam stands looking down at Ponks' form. Where had Foolish gone? "Wake up Sam." Ponks' voice wasn't that tone, Ponks' eyes weren't that color and his head certain never rotated hundred-eighty degrees before. "Wakey wakey."

It was a horror film as the acidic green bled into the corners of the desert structure. It consumed Ponk leaving nothing but the blank face of the horrible mask.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2023 ⏰

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