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Okay, even Tommy is suprised by how well he can keep up his two different identities when living with three superheroes. How he managed to pull this off he didn't know though there was several close calls. Right now might just be the closest.

His mentor was currently in the middle of beating his big brother senseless. "Um don't you think that's enough? He's not conscious anymore." He stepped foward slightly between the dog hybrid and Wilbur.

"Move kid, I'm here to kill him and you if you get in my way." Tommy hesitated as his mentor pushed past him before leaping back between them, his tail bushed up and he growled at the dog. "You're not gonna hurt him." He growls as Wilbur comes back around slowly. He had to protect his brother that was the only thing that mattered now.

His mentor growled back at him, lowering to the ground in an attack position that Tommy easily mimicked. "Remember who has powers and who doesn't. Move kid before I hurt you." Tommy refused to move. He knew Techno and Phil were on their way, he'd watched Wilbur push the backup button, he just needed to stall until they got there.

Tommy went lower then pounced jumping for the man's throat, he was thrown off and slid. Wilbur watch the raccoon boy get up and once again get between him and his companion. The boy growled low in his throat as he moved back and forth then launched foward again claws digging into the dog man.

Blood hit the ground and the boy was thrown right into Wilbur's lap as he was sitting up. He got up and shook himself before turning back toward the dog, teeth marks apparent on his shoulder. "Get hero." He growled over his shoulder at him but Wilbur refused to abandon him.

Wil reached out to pull the raccoon close and protect him but the dog hybrid attacked, large teeth snapping into the boys other shoulder and dragging him to the other side of the roof. The sound of huge wing beats made him pause and look up.

He wasn't distracted by Phil's presence long before he went back to trying to kill the boy. Claws swiped the hounds face, arms, sides, anywhere that could be reached.

Phil landed next to Wilbur. "Help the raccoon." He says through gritted teeth shoving at his father's arm. The raccoon boy kicked the dog man off, the man's own claws caught the strap of his mask and pulled it off as Techno jumped up onto the roof.


Tommy looks back at his family then runs at his ex mentor throwing the both of them off the room. "Tommy!" Wilbur jumps toward the edge to find his little villain brother hanging from window ledge on the floor below them.

Tommy looked up at them kicking his leg while trying to get up. He reached one hand up toward them before slamming it back down to catch himself. "Help." He squeaks, claws sliding against concert.

Phil spreads his wings and flys down under him. "Let go I'll catch you." Tommy does, he lets the ledge go and falls right into his father's arms. "You have a lot of explaining to do."

"I just want to go home and sleep."

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