Chapter- 2

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Two weeks later

Yeah, I'm pregnant if you guessed. Last week Trey called me saying that's he'll stay with me for the sake of the baby. You know pregnant women are very horny so I'm twice as horny as I usually am. Trey and my mother are making me go to ' Sex Therapy '.. I don't need therapy for my sex addiction. I'm perfectly fine how I am. I'm only going just to shut them up. My first appointment is today at 2:30. This should be interesting...

I walked up to the Caucasian woman sitting behind the desk.

"Last name?" she said, in a uninviting tone.

"Brooks" I replied, mimicking her.

She handed me a pen, paper and a clipboard.

I sat down in the far back of the room. Not too fond of her attitude. I scanned the paper with my eyes before writing. I began filling the slip out. Soon as I finished I sat the pin down next to me. A gentleman came into the waiting room and called out "Brooks". I got up trailed behind him.

He sat down behind his marble top desk, while I admired the beautiful furniture. I studied the photos on his desk. It was a picture of a woman in her late 40's. Next to it a picture of a girl in her 20's.

"Yeah that's my wife and mother." He mumbled

I chuckled, "Wife?"

"You're like 18, kid. Is this your fathers office or are you an a assistant?" I suggested.

"I'm doctor Brown, I'm 25 and I'm your Sex Therapist." He kicked his feet up on the desk

"Now let's get started."

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