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Third Person P.O.V.

Five year old Nellie was playing the piano. She was trying to get the piano louder than her parents who were arguing. She been worried since her mother was a person who got angry. She feared her mother. She was worried that her mom would smack her for messing up or for not doing what she was suppose to be doing. She was a daddy's girl. Her dad was a sweet man, who helped her get a passion for music. In the kitchen she could her parents screaming at each other.

"Lawrence You are freaking horrible person. I cannot believe you want a divorce!"
"Listen up Lexie, I want this divorce since you are just a different person now. I married a girl who had a strong passion in art and music. But now you are a monster. I know what you do to Nellie. I can see it on her. You bitch why would you do this. I made a mistake of marrying you. When we get a divorce I getting custody of Nellie."
"Excuse me, but I'm getting custody of  Nellie. She is my daughter. She shouldn't go to person who a crappy father."
"Lexie the court decide this and I'm going to prove you are a terrible mother. I'm going to win this. And when I do she will never you again.
"Lawrence I'm going to win. I will not lose her to you. I'm the one who take of her. Not You!"
"Lexie you freaking abused her. You hurt her. I can see it on her arm. I'm not fucking blind you know.
" She needs to learn this way."
"Well hello Lexie that not going do her anything. It hurts you know. I'm done with you. Your just a sick person."
       Nellie just sat her piano waiting for dad to talk to her. Her dad soon walked in found his daughter crying. He said in a low voice "Nellie, sweetie why are you crying. I know your arm hurt from your mom. But what is it?" Nellie blubbered "Daddy, please win. I don't want to live mommy. She hurts me and I can't stand it. When I start playing my violin it hurts." Lawrence gave her daughter a kiss on her head and said "Sweetie I'm going to try my hardest to get custody over you. Now dry those tears since we're going to go get ice cream." Nellie wiped her tears on her sweater and said "OK daddy, but can we go to the mall after? I want to get more art supplies and toys" Her dad gave a small smile and said "Fine but only if behave well at the ice cream shop. Nellie broke into a smile and said " OK Daddy let go now. Soon those two were out the door.

Five  Months Later

"The courts has decided that Nellie Johannes Cain will be in custody of Lawrence Peter Cain. Ms Lexie Ally Cain will be able to see her daughter anymore since her abused to her. She also go by her maiden name.Today will be the final day Ms. Lexie can see her daughter. We are dismissed" said the judge. Nellie ran to her father and he gave her a big hug. He whispered "Nellie we won. I have custody of you now. No more abuse. But Nellie I need you to go home and pack. We will be moving into a nice house I found. Would you like to say goodbye to your mom?" Nellie said no and she was skipping with her dad to the car. Nellie's mom was furious, and she promise she would get her revenge. 

Two Years Later

You may kiss the bride. Nellie was watching her father get remarried to a nice woman name Abigail. Nellie was happy for her father. He had found a new wife who was kind and creative. Nellie was also happy that she had a new sibling. She now had a older step brother from Abigail first marriage. His name was Robin and was 10 year old. Also Abigail was pregnant with another baby. Nellie was excited to become a older sister.  Today was the day Nellie had her first family.

10 Years Later

Today was the day Nellie was graduating high school. She was happy but sad. Nellie had a great high school. She looked at the mirror and said "Well today I become the class of 2005." Soon her step mom, dad, her older brother Robin, her younger twin sister Michelle and Madeline. they all came in with flowers. She exclaimed " Thank you guys. You are the best family I ever had. But can I have a moment to myself. I need to think of something" Nellie's mom gave her smile and ushered the family out of her room. Nellie went up to her bedroom mirror. She open the drawer. She pulled out a picture of her and best friends. It was Her, Harper, Charlie. Her eyes started to fill with tears. It was taken a day before Charlie died in a car accident. Today she will be only graduating with Harper and no Charlie. She looked at the picture and whispered " Oh Charlie you don't know how much me and Harper miss you.

Few Hours Later 

''Oh My Gosh Harper I'm going to miss you so much. Remember  to stay in touch with me. I love you so much. Your like my twin sister." yelled Nellie. " Nellie I'm only going to London College Of Fashion. but still I'm going to miss you a millions times. I can't believe you got accepted Juilliard. That i n United States. I can't believe your living in the U.S.A for four years. I'm going to miss you so much. I love you too. You always have been my sister. I wish Charlie was here" Nellie touched the silver necklace. It was a necklace that had all three of them together. Nellie whispered "I know Harper. But I feel like she is with us forever. You know she would been laughing while everyone is crying. I miss her so much" Nellie and Harper grabbed each other hand and headed to the party.

Hello Guys This is my second fan fiction. This was a background of Nellie. I wanted to give a little information about her and past before starting the actually chapter. Nellie graduated from Juilliard with a degree in violin. She now plays in BBC Symphony Orchestra. The next chapter takes in present day of 2015. Thanks for reaading.

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