Chapter Two: Confusion and A Suprise Visit

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Nellie P.O.V.

I find myself standing beside the hospital bed. I was looking at my own body. I turned and looked at my arms. I think What's Happening to me? Am I dying? I'm so confused. I want to wake up from this twisted dream. I start walking around my hospital bed. I had lost a lot of blood. I was so pale. My hair was a mess. I'm watching myself die. I started to cry. My life was ruin thanks to my mom. I don't know how long I been crying until I see Harper burst into my room. Her hair was a mess and so was her outfit. Her face was crying and she blurted out " Please Nellie don't go. This all my fault. I shouldn't had you walk out by yourself. Please don't go". Her voice broke and she was crying. I wanted to hug her until I felt something grab my hand. I turned around and I couldn't believe who was there.

Charlie is that really you. I managed to say that without fainting. There standing in front of me was Charlie. The girl me and Harper grew up together. The girl who would stand up for us against her own crush. The girl who died and car accident. The girl who was Bisexual and who didn't care if people teased her. I ran over to her and gave her hugged and said "Charlie it you. I missed you so much. These years has been so hard without. Me and Harper missed you so much." Charlie smiled and said "Oh Nellie I missed you so much. I miss me, you, and Harper hanging out together." I looked at Charlie. She looked like the picture I took in twelfth grade. Her red hair was chopped in a layered style. She was wearing the dress that she died in. She looked so human. She came over and touched my hand and said "Nellie this a near death experience. It your choice to stay or go. But I want to show you something.

She grabbed my arm and leads me to the hospital's waiting room. There my older brother Robin was waiting with his one year old daughter Lilly. Lilly kept asking Robin when she could see Auntie Nellie. I wanted to touch her and tell her that I was here. Charlie whispered "Nellie come here I want to show you something. She walked me over to a man in his early thirty. He had the nice hair and eyes that were too amazing. Charlie said " Nellie this is the man who brought you here. He kept asking paramedics if he could ride with you. From my point of view. He cares about you. Now one thing before you choose Nellie, I want to tell you that I'm with you and Harper. I will always be with you." Before she disappeared she kissed my cheek. I touched my cheek and screamed "I want to stay. I want to stay and live my life. I don't want to die. Bring me Back. And soon I find myself waking up.

" Nellie your awake. I'm so sorry. This all my fault. I so sorry." Harper said. She ran over me and hugged me really right. I told her she was crushing my ribs. She backed and smiled and said "Let me go get the doctor." I stare at myself and look at myself.  I had wires everywhere. My black dress was exchange for a hospital gown. My hair was pulled into a messy ponytail. Soon later Harper brought over the doctor and the man who brought me here. The doctor started to explain how I was losing so much blood and I had broken bones. He started to say that I was in coma for two days. I was shocked. He said I could leave in two days. Since they finished all the surgery. He left the room for me to give me space. Harper started to talk about the man standing next to her. She said How this man name was named Tom and how he was waiting for me to wake up.  I reached up and hugged the Tom and whispered "Thank you so much." He smiled and said You are greatly welcomed. I whispered into Harper's ear and told her about my near death experience with Charlie. She looked at me with shocked and she started crying and she whispered "Oh Charlie I miss you so much. " Tom was standing in the corner looking a little awkward. The doctor came in with something in important to tell me.

"Well Ms. Cain, you gave us a shock with the injuries you got. From the police, your mother had been stalking you for about two years. We wouldn't want to risk you by making you go back home since she probably knows where you live. I'm suggesting that you stay with someone. It could be family or friends. We just want you be staying somewhere else. When you get out of the hospital, you should go home and grab everything you need. You also going to need someone to help you. You will have a lot of trouble since of your injuries. " The doctor said. I looked at Harper and asked if I could stay with her, but she soon said "Nellie I wish you could stay with me, but I going on a trip since of the fashion week." I kept thinking where would I go. I couldn't stay with my parents they lived about a hour away from here. I couldn't stay with my brother since he had his family to take care of. I looked at the doctor and said I had no one to stay with. Until Tom said I could stay with him.

"You? I really don't know you. How do I know your not some psychopath. I'm not sure about staying with you." I didn't mean to rude while saying about that. I just wasn't really sure about him. The doctor said " Ms. Cain Tom is not a psychopath. I have known him and he a very kind person. I looked at him. He looked like a nice man. He didn't look like a psychopath.  I looked at both the doctor and Tom and said "OK I'll stay with him." Tom broke into a smile and I couldn't help but smile. Soon later everyone left and I was alone. I looked around and thought two more days until I leave this place and learn to live with this nice man named Tom.

Hi guys. Sorry for not updating in a while. School has been so hard and boring. I based this chapter sort of like If I stay. I mostly can update on weekends since of school. But I'll try my best to update. Enjoy your day and Happy Birthday Jensen Ackles.

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