Chapter One: She Back

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Nellie P.O.V.

"Thanks Harper for inviting to your party. But I have to go home. I'm so tired." I gave my best friend a hug and walk down the stairs. It was 10:00 and it was pretty dark. If I was living my parents they would get angry that I was late. It wasn't safe for me to walk late at night. I could be mugged or kidnapped. The worst thing was that I was in a pretty black dress and black heels. This made a sign to creepy guys to capture me. I started to walk faster. My house was about a block away. If I ran I probably can get home in five minutes. But I didn't want to sprain my ankle. So I just walked at a fast pace. When I passed the ally near my house, I was soon grabbed by a person.

I felt a slap went across my face. I started to run, but this person grabbed my  arms. I screamed "What the fuck do you want and who the heck are you. I was turn around and I found my self facing my mom. I gave a scream. She smirked and said " Hello Sweetie. It been awhile since I seen you. Ever since you were taken away from me by your stupid father. How are you, your father, your step mother. I heard you have siblings." My mom was here. I was still in shock. I haven't since in about twenty two years. How did she know how I look like. It was so scary how she found me. She soon started talking "Well Nellie, I came to repay what you did to me twenty two years ago. I went through so much because of you. I had to go to therapy and so much. You took so much from me. I promise I would pay you back" Soon she started to pull out a gun. I started whispering in a quick voice "Mom please don't do this. This won't fixs anything. Please don't do this  Would you even want this." Mom just fixed her hard green eyes and started to shoot. She missed me twice. Until she shot me in the leg. I fall down and she start to walk to me. She shoots me in the stomach, arm and the last one in the leg again. She soon walks away looking like nothing happen here.

I lay on the cold hard ground. I was bleeding and I was probably going to die. My eyes were crying tears. My arms were trying to stop me from bleeding. But it didn't help anything. The pain hurted so much. I was thinking how this wouldn't help anything. Why would my own blood related mom wanted to kill me. I felt the whole world crashing. I was praying that someone would find me. Minutes went by and I was starting to lose so much blood. I was going to die until I saw a guy come. He started to rush over to me. He started to stammered "Oh my gosh. Are you OK. Here I'm calling 911. Please do not  die on me. My eye lids were starting to close. I couldn't do it. The last thing I heard was the man saying please hold on before I blacked out.
Hi Guys. This is the first chapter. I was so excited to type this even though this was really sad and painful. This won't be the last of her mom though. Thanks for reading and please follow. Have a fantastic day :-)

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