Chapter Three: Home and Memories

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Nellie P. O.V.

Instead of staying for two days, I ended up going home four weeks later. The doctors and nurse had to give me two more surgeries. I was sweaty and stank. I had not taken in along time. The pain was killing me. My body hurted so much. Tom was nice and visited me. He brought me flowers and sometimes movie for me to watch. Harper visited almost everyday and was really nice by picking up some of my novels. Sometimes me and Tom would watch a movie. Once when we were watching Thor, I realized that Loki was Tom. That's why he looked like him. I told Tom and he just gave me a giant grin. Today I got to wear something that wasn't a hospital gown.

I was wearing a mint green shirt, skirt, and flats. I was happy to leave this place. Tom was going to pick me up. We would be heading to my house and I would be packing my items to live him. A nurse came by and said " Miss Nellie, your ready to leave now. A man named Tom is waiting for you." I gave the nurse a smile and she lead me down the hall. When I got to the lobby, a doctor was waiting for me. He gave a firm handshake and said "Well, Miss Nellie, I'm sorry that you had to spend about  seven weeks here. we had to perform those surgeries. we also wanted to check if you were healing well. Those bullets you took were really nasty. Now here are some pills. Your going to be really  sore. I hope you get better Ms. Nellie. Have a nice day and your friend Tom is waiting for you.

I couldn't help but hug Tom. He gave me a pat on the head and he lead me outside. Finally fresh air for the first time in forever. I looked at Tom and giggled " So Mr. Loki where your car." Tom giggled and replied "Eheeee, well Nels let me lead you to my car and soon I'll take you home." I looked at myself and thought "No one calls me Nels except my family and friends." I gave Tom a small smile. He grabbed my hand and led me to his car. Thoughts were running everywhere, I felt really weird holding his hand, but I liked holding his hand. We walked for about two minute, and soon I couldn't believe my eyes.

"You have a Jaguar. Oh my gosh you have Jaguar! That is so damn amazing." Tom gave me a huge grin and replied " Well that one reason I love being an actor. You can buy some really wicked good toys. And yes Nels I have a Jaguar." I couldn't help but giggled. Tom face started to giggled and said " Now after you Nellie." And he open the door for me. I headed in and buckled up for a ride in this Jaguar.

Tom P.O.V and Twenty Minutes Later.

It was a nice ride to Nellie's house. Nellie and I talked about random things. We talked how after we finish packing, we could pick some pizza and watch Thor The Dark World. Arriving at Nellie's house was surprising. She lived in a two story house all by herself. She looked at me and said " Welcome to my home sweet home." She lead me inside and it was amazing inside. The first thing I saw was a grand piano. It looked so different from the other pieces in the living room. There was a couch and a TV. Painting and pictures lined the wall. I took a deep breath and said to Nellie " Wow you have a nice house. Did you paint those painting. Nellie smiled and replied " Thanks Tom and yeah I painted those painting. I'm going to take a nice long shower. make yourself at home. I be down here in like fifteen minutes." She jogged upstairs and left me to stare at her painting and pictures.   

Most of the pictures were family and friends. Some were old class photos from primary and secondary school. But there was one picture that caught my eye. It was picture at the far end of the wall.  The picture was obviously Nellie since I could tell by her green eyes and there was a tiny girl with her. Nellie was hugging the little girl. The weird thing about this picture was it was with a polaroid camera. The picture had some faded spot, but the picture looked in mint condition. I didn't realize I been staring for along time since I could hear Nellie coming downstairs. Her hair was dried and she was wearing the same thing. I looked at her asked " Hey Nellie who this?"

Nellie's smile dropped. Her face turned nervous. She was fiddling with her shirt. She looked up and stammered "Um well that me and Anastasia." I felt sorry for asking her. "Nels I'm sorry for asking  but she cut me off saying " Tom it ok.  Just here, please go to the garage and please get my suitcase. there also some boxes. Just bring both." She toss me the keys and left me feeling sorry for asking her.

Nellie P.O.V.

I was overwhelmed. The question Tom asked me. Every time I look at the picture I feel so guilty. People blamed me for her death. I was the mistake. I was the one why she died. I was the one who saw my sister die.

I couldn't help but run to my room. Those memories were coming back to me. The guilt was coming back to me. Tom couldn't see me like this. I didn't need anyone to see me like this. I didn't need anyone to see me have a panic attack. I heard Tom voice saying he got the boxes and suitcases. I was starting to freak out until I collapse on my bed.

I was having the nightmare of me seeing my sister die again. It was all the same thing I saw. I was only three and Anastasia was two. Me and her were playing with our dolls. I told her to wait here while I'll go get a brush for her doll. When I got back her face was blue. I ran to her and called my parents, but by the time they got there she was dead. The hospital told us she died from choking. When we had her funeral my mom told me this was my fault. My mom was never the same. I was about to scream until I woke up.

Tom was holding my head in his arm. He was stammering "Nellie I'm so sorry. If it's about me asking the question I'm so sorry for asking. I shouldn't invade your privacy.  I'm so sorry. I looked at him and gave a sad smile and whispered "Tom it ok. The picture was one of the only picture I have my sister. She died and people blamed it on me. I feel guilty when people ask me about her. But when I look at the picture I don't feel guilty. Tom pulled me into a hug and I had to say he was crushing my ribs. We got up and started to pack.

Three Hours Later

Tom and I had finish packing. He was impressed that I could play piano, violin, cello, clarinet, and the bass guitar. He was also impressed by my writing trophies I won back in primary and secondary school. I looked at and him and whispered Tom " Thank you so much Tom. I couldn't be here without you." I stood up on my tippy toes and kissed his cheek. He turned red and I couldn't giggled "Tom your face is red as tomato." Soon enough Tom and I were laughing together.

Hi guys. So it been almost two months I updated this story. I owe you guys so many chapters. School has been a pain in the but. I had standard testing, projects, violin lessons, and most of all homework. But luckily I have break this week. I think I might put Forever and Always on hiatus. I update tomorrow if I have chance. Thanks for being patient. enjoy your day.     


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2015 ⏰

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