Chapter 5 - COA Day 1

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11:30 am
Y/N pov

We left the hotel and we were now walking to Starbucks. Our meet time was 12:15 so we had a little bit of time. We got there and and we were in line and it was taking forever so we looked at the time and it was 11:50 so we decided to get Starbucks after we compete. So we left and started walking to the place where we had to meet..... but we got lost like really lost so we got there at 12:30. But we were only 15 minutes late. We went in but the boys had to stay outside, I told them to stay with people who's shirts say ICE.

We went in the meet room and put our shoes on and took off what ever we were wearing on top of our uniforms. Then we started warming up.

After we warmed our body's up we went to the convention center and went into a room where we stretched and waited to go into warm ups.

We walked into warm ups and warmed up our elite stunt, I backspot. My group had a little problem with it. Next we did our 2nd stunt, I front spot. Then the pyramid, I backspot. Then baskets, I backspot. After we warmed them all up our elite went again because we had problems the first time. We hit it this time. Then we warmed up tumbling and jumps. Last we did a run through.

Same time
Bokuto's pov

Akaashi and I did what Y/N said and stayed with people who had shirts with ICE on it. She told us the name of her team which was Fahrenheit so we go out there to watch her team when it's time.

Small time skip

She just came onto the floor and her team is about to start but I immediately spotted y/n because to be honest she was the most beautiful girl on the team. I just couldn't take my eyes off her.

Y/n pov

'God please let us hit this routine'  I said in my head. "1,2,3,4" Noelle started "5,6,7,8....Fahrenheit" the whole team finished. The music started and we started the routine.

End of the routine

We hit the routine and were now going off stage to the back to watch it. Our coaches ran back stage saying how proud they were of us. After we watched our routine we went to see everyone who watched. I saw Bokuto and Akaashi and ran over to them. I'm still out of breath so I didn't run that fast but like a little jog. "So what did you think?" I asked them "THAT WAS CRAZY Y/N! YOU WERE SO COOL!!" Bokuto shouted "shhhhhh your drawing attention" my heart started beating and my face turned red feeling everyone's eyes on me. "I'm sorry but that was really awesome" Bokuto said calmer. We got a 97.6.

Outside the convention center

After Hailey, Reagan and I all changed our shoes and put our warm clothes back over our uniforms we started to walk to a Starbucks since we didn't get it earlier. As we were walking a group of guys on the street started being really creepy and trying to talk to us but Bokuto hid me and Akaashi hid Hailey and Reagan from them and tried to walk a bit faster. We got past them and they weren't following us anymore so we slowed down. "Some people are such creeps" Akaashi said.

We got our Starbucks and was now heading back to the hotel. We got back and we all went to our rooms. Reagan had another team she had to compete with later so she took a nap so she wouldn't be tired. Hailey took a shower and so did I.

I took a nap because I was exhausted. I woke up just in time to watch Ozone the team Reagan had to compete with. Hailey knocked at my door and I let her in. We all watched Reagan's team live on varsity tv. They hit and got a 97.5.

After Reagan came back we went to a pizza place for dinner. I got a calzone, Bokuto ate a whole pizza by himself which shocked me, I knew he could eat a lot but a WHOLE PIZZA that's crazy. Akaashi just got a personal pizza. We ate, payed and left.

When we got back I asked Hailey if I could use her self tanner because I forgot to get a spray tan and I also forgot my self tanner. She gave it to me and I went in the bathroom of my hotel room and put it on but I needed help with my back. I was hesitant about asking one of the boys if they could get my back but Reagan  was already sleeping and Hailey was too. "Hey would one of you help me put tanner on my back?" Bokuto said he could do it so I let him. I held a shirt on my chest so I wouldn't expose anything. He put it all over my back and I thanked him and went back in the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and realized I was blushing.... hard. I put on lose clothing that covered me and went out of the bathroom. Akaashi was already sleeping and so was Bokuto so I thought. I went on my phone for a bit then went to bed.

Bokuto's pov

I pretend I was asleep and waited till y/n was asleep. I can't believe I volunteered to do that but the thought of Akaashi touching her made me... jealous? Ya that's the word. I know I shouldn't feel this way about her. For god sakes I've only known her for a day and a half it's to early for these type of feelings. But I need to sleep so I'm going to clear my mind and sleep

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