Chapter 9 - Wednesday

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On the way to school Bokuto asked if he could play music and I let him. We got to school and I saw my friend Ailee who also really likes anime and she watches Haikyuu, so she knew exactly who they were and she didn't really know what to think.

But as I was walking to my 4th period I noticed people talk and then looking at me. I'm a pretty shy person and I don't like to be in the attention of people I don't know personally. So seeing all these people possibly talking about me made me pretty insecure.

Bokuto's Pov

Y/n was a little quieter then normal and she covered herself more with her jacket but I didn't know why. I was a little worried about her she didn't seem to be the y/n that she normally was. I was going to try to talk to her when I heard a group of girls say "why is she with two guys all of a sudden she's acting like a whore." That really pissed me off. Like just because she has guy friends doesn't mean she's a whore, how would you just say that without knowing the person. I figured I would talk about it to her when we got in the car.

Akaashi's pov

I realized that y/n got shy and Bokuto got really mad all of a sudden I wasn't sure why but I looked around a bit and people were whispering and I kind of put things together then. So I went up to y/n and said that we could walk a bit faster and she just nodded. We got to her 4th period and she just seemed to ignore everyone.

Y/n pov

I heard what some people said and it may not look like it but it got to me but I'm just trying to ignore it. Thank god it was Wednesday and I don't have parkway today so after lunch we can just go home I really didn't want to be here anymore.

Time skip

We were now in my car on our way home. "Y/n are you ok?" Bokuto asked with a concerned look on his face. "Ya I'm fine what would make you think I wasn't?" You replied with a fake smile trying to hide your emotions. "Don't do that" Bokuto said sternly. "Do what?" "Put a fake smile on it's not good" "how would you know it's fake?" "It's easy because your eyes don't have the same happy glint in them that they normally do" he was right it was hurting me and I was trying to hide it but I'm just overreacting it's nothing. "Is it because of those girls?" Bokuto asked generally concerned "can we talk about this when we get home?" "Ya" Bokuto was definitely worried about you and so was Akaashi.

Time skip to home

I got in my house and put my stuff down. Bokuto was right behind me so I turned around, put my head on his chest and just broke down. Akaashi went in the living room to give you guys a moment. He stood there letting you cry into his shirt and he rubbed your back comforting you.

You finally pulled yourself back together "I'm sorry" Bokuto had a confused expression on his face. "For what?" "I don't normally cry in front of people because I hate burdening other people with my problems" "do your friends know that you are hurting" "no because I'm the one that helps them with there problems not the other way around." "Y/n you shouldn't do that, you need help to sometimes." "I know I shouldn't but I do and I don't know how to fix it." I said almost on the verge of tears again from all of the built up frustration. "I'll help you Y/n." Bokuto's face had determination in it. You stood there shocked that he would actually care. No one has ever cared or even took the time to listen to you. Bokuto felt special to you, you didn't want him to leave you alone, then it hit you. He's from a different world he can't stay here forever. It felt like your heart had just been stabbed.

Meanwhile Bokuto was feeling the exact same pain you were right now. He felt you were special to him and he didn't want to leave you. Akaashi's words came back to him "you know we can't stay in this world for forever so don't fall to hard for her" those word caused him pain because he had already fallen you and the night before confirmed that. He felt something when you guys fell, he felt a sort of connection. He wanted to hold you in his arms and tell you everything was ok and to kiss you.

But you both knew that even if you do get together it wouldn't be forever and you both feared losing each other.

That night she feel asleep in his arms and he soon feel asleep

So I'm proud of this chapter I think it was pretty good

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