Chapter 2: The Sleepover Pt.2

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Koda felt like he should've left the sleepover a while ago or maybe just not came to the sleepover. He just thought of just not doing anything but curl up into a ball and trying to his book, but that kinda sounds depressing. After lighting the candle and shakily standing up, he had dreadfully said "Bloody Mary" three times in front of the mirror. Nothing really happened for the first few moments, but something started to spook Koda. Something. . . sinister. The lights started to flicker on and off again, the items on the counter began shaking (hell, the entire room was shaking) and things started to fall on the floor, and Koda started to feel scared but stayed in the bathroom to prove that he isn't weak like Tokoyami called him. It had been 1 1/2 minutes since Koda went in there and the others (except Tokoyami) began to worry about him. Not only that, but the spoopy-ness was also occuring outside of the bathroom. The shelves were rumbling with books falling off of them, everything was shaking, lights turning on and off, and cups of water falling over and spilling. Claire was asking Kirishima to go in and check on Koda but Kirishima was laying in the corner under a table holding a pillow, crying comedically with Izuku laying beside him also comedically crying. Meanwhile, Koda was practically curled up in a ball crying and wishing for it to be over whilst glass is crashing onto the floor beside him. He thought of just leaving the room, but like the last chapter stated, Tokoyami locked the door behind Koda. The emo bird didn't seem worried at the slightest but instead seemed amused at the fact that the sacrifice might finally work. After a while, the shaking finally stopped. Everything stopped falling to the ground and the room looked. . . Well not great. Claire sighed at the boys immaturity from a few minutes ago and went to unlock the bathroom door to let out Koda. She had opened the door to find a boy curled up on the floor with glass from the mirror surrounding him, multiple broken items on the floor, and a toppled over shelf with beauty and hair products on the floor aswell.
Claire put her hand on Koda's shaking shoulder to try and calm him down but after a few failed attempts to do that, she just picked him up and dragged him out of the bathroom and back to where everyone else was. By that time everyone had woken up to a shaking room and hidden under either the long table with snacks on them, the bed, or on the sides of the room against the wall.
"Wow. . .that was a stupid idea.", Midoriya remarked from the corner while clutching Kirishima's arm, which was replied to by Bakugo.
Iida walked up to Claire to ask what had happened while everyone was asleep and why she was so calm about it. Claire replied,
"Well Tokoyami, Kirishima, Midoriya, and I thought it would be a fun idea to play Bloody Mary. Which ended up more chaotic than we had thought which also ended up with the dorm getting destroyed, and glass getting everywhere.". Koda just sat there, shaking in fear and also with small cuts from the glass, silently speaking under his breath of how much be didn't want to be there. Although Koda's social skills got better from his time at U.A high to U.A college, he may have also gotten more anxious and self-conscious about his abilities to be a hero. Suddenly, a loud ringing noise came Mina's nightstand, scaring everyone's souls out of their bodies. Mina picked up the phone with a shaking hand and answered it.
"H-Hello? Mr. Aizawa! Oh yeah we are fine! Why do I sound scared as hell? Oh that's because TOKOYAMI, CLAIRE, KIRISHIMA, DEKU AND KODA decided to talk to demons tonight and made the room look like a tornado ran through it. It was an earthquake? That makes sense. Ok Bye!". She hung up and looked at everyone with a relieved look on her face, "It's Okay everyone! It was just a slightly big earthquake! Good thing this building 8s new and sturdy!". A dissapointed "damnit" can be heard from a certain emo bird.
After that chaotic night, everyone had already went back to their own dorms and Claire decided to go check up on Koda who had picked one of the short sticks of the demonic night. She walked up to Koda's dorm and knocked three times. A soft voice replied on the other side,
"W-Who is it. . . ?"
"Its me Claire! From the sleepover? Can I come in?"
. . .
The door opened slowly to reveal a boy holding a mug of hot cocoa. Claire would be lying if she didn't feel happy knowing he was fine. Koda put his hand on her shoulder and shook her a little.
"A-Are you okay? Your spacing out! Do you need a drink?"
Claire snapped out of it and replied while blushing, "Oh nah I'm fine! Just wanted to ask if you were okay from last night. . . ALSO I WANT TO HANG OUT WITH YOU!".
Koda was shooketh with the response he got but he didn't deny the request. He looked down to his finger and saw a faint red light wrapped around his finger. Claire saw it on her finger as well, but didn't pay much mind to it.
"S-Sure! Tomorrow a-at lunch?"
"Heck yeah! I'll see ya then!", Claire said enthusiastically before retreating to her own dorm. Koda closed the door and walked towards his bed. Koda felt his heart beating harder and harder the more he thought about her.
"What's wrong with me? She wouldn't want to hang out with me. . . Would she? Guess we'll find out tomorrow.", Koda thought to himself before turning his light off with Rebecca-chan, his pet rabbit, beside his bed. Laying down in bed, he stared at the ceiling until about 5:00 am before eventually passing out.

Claire had gotten her glass of warm milk ready, nightly skin care routine done, turned on her "Calming Music to Play at Night" playlist, and slipped into bed. She turned off the lamp beside her bed and dosed off to the land of dreams.

End of chapter 2
(I'll try harder in the next chapter I promise)

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