Happy Birthday Yellow

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Drone: I'm back but only for the Dexholder's birthday

Dee: Do we just jump into the dares then

Drone: Yup but before that,Happy Birthday Yellow!

Yellow: T-thanks

Red: Happy Birthday Yellow*hugs Yellow*

Yellow: 0////0

Drone: Now let's do the dares!


Make Ruby and Sapphire kids

Silver and Green can't act cold

Pokespe have a prank war

Dee: Alright*turns Ruby and Sapphire into kids* 

Ruby: Battle me!

Red: Alright,come on!*runs out of basement*

Ruby: Ok mister*follows Red*

Sapphire: Ugh battle,battle,battle!That's all boys ever think about

Gold: That's not true,Boys think about Gi-*gets kicked*OWW

Crystal: Pervert!

Drone: You know what,Let's just continue

Pyro: We'll do the prank war later

Sakura: Time for more dares!



Red and Gold play Cuphead without raging and if they lose,they have to eat a rotten egg

Crystal get on top of a gate and yell "I LOVE THIS GATE AND IT'S MY BOYFRIEND" while hugging it

Yellow and Black dress up as Six and Seven

Sapphire dumps a bucket of paint and feathers on Green


Lack-two,what's the dumbest thing that you said before

Pearl,who is the least annoying person that you can go easy on them

What is Blue's opinion on the water users

Red: We're back from the battle!

Whispy: Convenient timing, Red and Gold, go play Cuphead!

Gold: What's Cuphead?

E: A video game

Red: Games! I like games!

Gold: Me too! Where do we go?

Sakura: Over there*points to a room*

Red: Let's go*runs*

Gold: Hold on, I'm playing too!*follows Red*

Drone: Oh yeah, who won?

Ruby: Mister won

Felix: T-time to change th-them back*changes them back*

Whispy: Crystal, get on a gate and yell "I Love this gate and it is my boyfriend" while hugging it

Crystal: I hate this...Well, can't do anything about it

---At a Random Gate---

Crystal: I can't believe I'm doing this...*gets on the gate* I LOVE THIS GATE AND IT IS MY BOYFRIEND!!!

Random person: Weirdo...*walks away*

A Mom: Don't look honey, People are just like that

Dee: It's good that you finally found love

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