Chapter 12: That's a huge...

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A/N: Author talking

(Y/n) or anyone: Normies talking


(F/c): Favorite color

(E/c): Eye color

(P/c): Power color

(H/c): Hair color


-Battleship Carrier-

(No one's POV)

After that flashing from Asuka, the pilots and Misato enter the ship's bridge to make their arrival known to the captain along to report the recent Angel attack. (Y/n) , Asuka and Ash were sitting in the back. Ash and (Y/n) were on their phones checking in on two back home and Asuka was glaring at the two with great disgust. While Misato was talking to the captain.

Misato: Alright captain that all I got to report and thanks again for allowing us on board.

Captain: Thanks for the info Captain Katsuragi, This info will be vital for any future attacks but damn a bloody mega laser these things just keep getting scarier by the day! Well until we get back to the Japanese waters you and the pilots can just relax until then.

Misato: Oh I'll try to by the way I heard that someone was supposed to be with Asuka you wouldn't know we they could be would you?

Captain: No I wouldn't, I think that they should be hiding somewhere on this ship.

Misato: Oh well thanks anyway for your time. Welp, I guess all I can do now is just sit back and relax-

Asuka: That's it I can't take it anymore you two are just like every other boy I met in my life just thinking with the head in between your legs and nothing else. You disgusting, erotic, and immature lowlifes!

Misato: *sighs* Nevermind.

Asuka: I mean why can't all boys be more like Kaji-san! He's so suave and cool and a hundred times more mature than you two mongrels! I bet you guys are the kind of creeps to peep in on girls changing!

Ash: ...

(Y/n): ...

Misato: So we're just going to drop his name like that huh... Captain if my memory serves me right this carrier has a fully equipped bar doesn't it?

Captain: That it does.

Misato: Good cause I'm going to need a drink after this.

Captain: You're not the only one.

Asuka: Well, say something!

Ash: Are you done?

Asuka: Yes!

Ash: Good, cause first off who the hell wants you dirty-ass undies anyway!

Asuka grabs Ash by his collar.

Asuka: Why you tall-ass-motherfu-

(Y/n): Second, who the fuck wears a sundress on a battleship in the middle of the pacific?! The wind constantly blows and wind strength is unpredictable. Also, white doesn't really suit you.

Asuka lets go of Ash's collar, blushing and getting even angrier.

Asuka: You pervert so you did look didn't you!

(Y/n) just gave her a deadpan look and just stay quiet.

Asuka: Say something!

(Y/n): Okay fine then! Third, your attitude stinks. You can't be part of a team if you can't at least get along with your teammates let alone hoping to get a lover with that sort of attitude all of the time.

Y/N get in the damn Robot (Neon Genesis Evangelion x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now