Chapter 13: Asuka has joined the Party

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A/N: Author talking

Y/N or anyone: Normies talking


F/c: Favorite color

E/C: Eye color

P/C: Power color

H/C: Hair color


(No one's POV)

On the ship there where EVA-10 was being held in. Ash is watching in grotesque as EVA-10 is still eating the leftover parts of the angel she just killed- no murdered.

Ash: ...

EVA-10: Ash you've *swallows* been very quiet since we came back. Is everything okay?

Ash: Y-yeah everything is just peachy.

EVA-10: No no something's wrong oh I know! Hehe, You wanted some of this angel too didn't you? Oh, how foolish of me.

Ash: No it's not that.

EVA-10: O-Oh sorry it must have been me acting feral wasn't it? Sorry, it was my instincts you know?

EVA-10 feeling embarrassed tried to cover her face.

Ash: Oi, why are you acting like a schoolgirl who's in front of her crush! Huh? it's not cute see! There's even blood all over your hands!  Not to mention those teeth of yours! Eh never mind, the more I look at it, the better you're starting to look. It's fine just try to keep it under control next time.

EVA-10: I'll try.

Over on the other ship, the captain was giving (Y/n) and Asuka praise for their bravery during that angel attack.

Captain: Thanks again for your hard work out there and I'm thankful that you three were here to protect this fleet.

The Captain and a few of his surrounding staff bowed to them. (Y/n) was be humbled and just told them he was just doing his job. While Asuka on the other hand was letting it go to her head a little.

Asuka: Heh it's just me proving that I'm meant to be a pilot. That thing didn't know what hit it.

(Y/n): Oh I'm sure since it was underwater most of the fight. Make sure you guys don't forget to thank Ash since he was the one that killed it.

Captain: But of course! I'm just surprised to see unit-10 in action. Now I guess aquatic foes won't have a chance with him around.

(Y/n): Good.

Elsewhere on ship Ash had just jumped on deck to go meet up with (Y/n) but he then heard something.

???: Skipper we can't find the briefcase anywhere.

Skipper: Private, that's impossible the thing is supposed to be on this ship in Ryuji's room. The UN isn't going to like this... Kowalski explanation now!

Ash hearing this decides to listen in, he leaned against a nearby wall and waited.

Kowalski: My scanner says that it's still here but it's not showing where.

Skipper: Blast! The bastard must've thought someone would be trying to steal it and hide somewhere we can't reach.

Ash: So these guys were hired by the UN to get Adam's body huh? Well looks like NERV has more enemies than we thought. Wait a minute there's supposed to be four of these guys... where's the one with the scar?

Y/N get in the damn Robot (Neon Genesis Evangelion x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now