Chapter 19

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Draco offered to take the children to her parents' house, allowing her some time to herself. She hadn't had much of that since she moved into the mansion. By taking the children over before lunch, it gave Hermione the day to accomplish her tasks, as he knew she was itching to get her work area fixed up in his office. It also allowed Draco to accomplish a few errands before their date this evening.

Several months prior, Draco had his fireplace connected to Jean and Richard's fireplace in their living room. The Grangers of course found this to be a particularly odd way to travel, but it was efficient, and much quicker than hiring a driver and a car. Claire, clutching Crookshanks, flooed through the fireplace first, announcing her presence with a gregarious we're here! Draco soon followed with Scorpius and the children's overnight bags in tow.

"Grandma! Grandpa! Where are you?" Claire sang as Draco put Scorpius down on the ground.

Richard walked into the living room, beaming as Claire quickly put the cat on the couch before running over to him, giggling as he swooped her up into his arms. "Happy Valentine's Day, Claire Bear!"

"Happy Valentine's Day Grandpa!" Claire exclaimed. "Where did you hang my valentine that I made you?"

"In the garage on my tool box so I see it every time I'm working on the car," Richard enthusiastically replied. "It's by far the best one you've made."

Claire nodded in agreement. "That's 'cause I saved the most sparkly glitter for you! Where's Grandma?"

"In the kitchen making lunch," Richard replied, placing Claire on the ground. "Run along and she may let you help."

She didn't need to be told twice. As she scampered off, Scorpius took an interest in the unprotected cat, toddling over to it and slowly extending his hand, whispering kitty with each pet. Draco watched, quietly moving closer in case he needed to save the fur ball from his son. Hermione would never let him live it down if something happened to the blasted thing.

"Are those their bags?" Richard asked. "If so I'll take them upstairs."

Draco nodded, picking them up by the straps and placing them in front of Richard. "Thanks again for watching the children for the day and taking Claire to school in the morning."

Richard waved him off. "It's really not a big deal. The school isn't more than a stone's throw away."

"I know, but you do so much for the children and –"

"That's what grandparents are for," Richard kindly interrupted him. "Besides, Jean loves it. I'm sure they'll spend all day in the kitchen baking cookies to take to school or doing some sort of artsy project while Scorp and I will watch a little football on the telly. I will try to get him to cheer for Grandpa's team, but really he just cheers for everyone."

Draco's glance shifted to Scorpius, who was now leaning his belly against the couch, looking as if he was lulling Crookshanks into a false sense of security. "Be easy, Scorp."

"Nice kitty," Scorpius whispered with a Cheshire grin.

Richard took a seat in his rocking leather recliner and motioned for Draco to sit as well. Following instructions, Draco took a seat on the opposite end of the couch, eyeing Scorpius out of the corner of his eye as Claire's giggles from the kitchen echoed through the house. "I take it you and Hermione are on good terms again?"

Draco chuckled slightly. "Yes. Once I clarified my actual feelings, she forgave me. She's quite forgiving when it comes to me, as long as I approach her with a sincere apology."

Laughing, Richard nodded, his heels slowly rocking his chair back and forth. "The grudge holding she gets from me, but she gets her forgiveness from her mother."

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